August Build of the Month Competition
August 27, 2014 10:31 pm in PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News. Leave a Comment

We have a wide variety of builds submitted to this Augusts Build Of The Month competition, all entries have been logged and screenshot’d! Further entries will be put forward to September’s competition.
We really do have a variety of different styles & builds this month, as always the winner is determined by the vote of the community. You will need to be a registered website member to vote, this helps us create a fair environment for our competitions. If you don’t have an account, now’s time to jump aboard with the community.
We have increased the winning prize this month and future BOTM competitions.
1st Prize
- Prime spot on the header banner
- 1000 Claim Blocks
- 64 Bottle o’ Enchanting
- 1 Wither Skull
- Unique BOTM diamond toolkit
- A map icon in the new BOTM category (If you want)
- A personally baked cake form GodsDead
- Random Enhancement Book
Aniviankevinlu Dragon Boat Entry:
CaptainVenoms Submarine Entry:
Assassin876 Castle Gateway Entry:
Timhuisman Ship Entry:
So which one of these entries is the best Pirate themed build of the month for PirateCraft!? Cast your vote now!
[poll id=”19″]
The August build of the month competition closes, 1st September 2014 8pm GMT, So get your vote in now! (Must be registered)

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Written by SuperGL
PirateCraft Admin & Co-Founder. Server Photographer & Viking Pirate!
Categorised in: PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News
Tags: 1.7.9, 2014, august build of the month, botm, build of the month, castle gateway, dragon boat, minecraft, minecraft contest, minecraft designs, minecraft moving ships, minecraft ship, minecraft submarine, pirate minecraft, piratecraft, piratemc
Posted on August 27, 2014