Treasure Chests

Pirate Treasure

Pirate Treasure Guide & Treasure Chests at /warp cove

Treasure Chests

/Treasure chests, also known as Crates, are server made treasures that require a key to open, these are special event Treasure Chests found at /warp cove that will drop a random custom item from the Treasure chest when used.

Spring 2021 Treasure Chest – /warp cove

What Treasure Chests are there?

Seasonal Treasure Chests

We have seasonal based Treasure chests that change each year, keys can be obtained for these from the Store page, Keys are also automatically dropped every 30m in-game to a person online and they can also be obtained from the Vote Crate. When we have events happening Keys will sometimes be added as drops as part of events on top of event items!

  • Spring Treasure Chest
  • Summer Treasure Chest
  • Autumn Treasure Chest
  • Winter Treasure Chest

Permanent Treasure Chests

Our /vote Treasure chest is a permanent chest that’s always available at /warp cove and /spawn, keys for this Treasure are given from voting for PirateCraft on Vote websites! More information about voting can be found on our vote page.

We also have a Contributor Treasure chest which is a treasure for people that purchase a Contributor rank, each purchase of a contributor rank gets a Contributor Treasure Chest key.

  • Vote Treasure Chest
  • Contributor Treasure Chest

Themed Treasure Chests

From time to time we will have themed Treasure chests around a theme or event, these are super special crates that won’t be around for long!

  • Pirate themed Treasure
  • Special one off Treasure chests based on a holiday or real world event.

Keys to open Treasure Chests

Keys can be obtained in a multitude of ways!

  • Buy them from the Store or use /donate in-game.
  • Seasonal Treasure Chest will have keys dropped every 30m in-game to 1 person online!
  • /vote for Vote Treasure Chest keys to get Vote Chest rewards.
    • The Vote chest will sometimes have Keys to other Treasure Chests in it to open other Treasure!
  • Play events that have Key drops
  • Buy keys off other players from the player-run /shops
  • Purchase a Contributor Rank for Contributor Treasure Chest keys

Treasure/Collectable Item Guide

The only way to obtain the collectable colored items in-game is either through Treasure Chests or through Events & competitions on PirateCraft where items will be dropped/won, there is no other way to obtain collectable colored items/weapons/armour.

This allows people to understand the difference between collectable/rare items and player base items that don’t have colour in their name & lore.

Treasure Chest in-game.

Color Codes & Treasure drop rates Guide

As of June 2021 there is now a consistent color guide for item names & lore, as well as a star-based drop rate system to tell you how rare an item is! You can also get this information in-game using /treasure.

Event Item colors have taken inspiration from the Borderlands games for rarity levels, and items have consistent colored names as well as matching rarity stars.

  • Legendary – Dark Red with red lore
    Super rare, only drop a couple of items to the entire server, 5 star rarity.
    Usually top tier weapons and armour or a custom mob spawn egg. Something that can be used.
  • Epic – Gold (Or Orange) with yellow lore
    Great Items, but drop to tens of people.
    Weapons, Armour or custom potions or unqiue collectables. Something that can be used.
  • Rare – Yellow with Dark Aqua lore
    A mix of collectables and useable items, rare heads to collect, maybe a weaker custom potion etc.

  • Uncommon – Blue with white lore
    Similar to Common items but slightly harder to get, collectables.
  • Common – Green with white lore
    The easiest to get items, usually collectable heads or cheap named items/tools, for example a named apple or sapling.
Treasure Item Color code legend

Star Drop Rate ✪

The more stars an item has the rarer it is to get dropped!

Stars can go beyond 5 stars! A Legendary Item could have 6 stars and the other Legendary items could have 5 stars, this means that the 6-star Legendary item has a lower drop rate than the other Legendary items and therefore is super Legendary! The same happens for a 5 Star Epic Item, or a 4 star Rare item!

Most of the time items will have 1-5 stars, but once in a blue moon we may introduce a super Legendary item which will require an extra star!

How to get Collectable Items

  • Events /warp event
    When there is a Current event this warp will take you directly to it! When there isn’t an event, it will send you to the Cove museum which will show you previous event collectable items.
    • Once an event is over, the only way to get old event items are by buying them from players or in a server auction, make sure to check out /warp shops and /auc
  • Treasure Chests
    Use keys at /warp cove on the Treasure chests to win collectable items.
  • Competitions
    Competitions are held by staff, check the forums for upcoming competitions!
    Make sure to keep up to date in our announcements channel on our discord for giveaways and competitions!
    • Every month we have a Build of the month competition you can win a BOTM toolkit!
    • Every Tuesday Bazurka runs SmartAss Tuesday for a chance to win a SmartAss Rain Maker
    • From time to time we have treasure hunts to find custom items!
  • Giveaways
    We hold giveaways in our Discord, make sure to keep an eye on the Announcements!
  • Most Votes each month! /vote
    Each month the top 10 voters will win a Doubloon or Doubloon fragment to trade for a custom item at /warp cove
    • Top 3 Voters each month will get a Gold, Silver or Bronze doubloon which they can trade with the Vote Trader at the Cove.
    • Runners up 4-10 each month will get a Doubloon Fragment that they will be able to collect & craft into full doubloons to trade for Vote Treasure.
  • Server Auctions
    Check out the server /auc when they are on! Auctions are confiscated items from players! Sometimes we empty vaults that have a lot of old event/treasure chest items in them!
  • Player & Mob Heads
    Killing players and mobs give you a chance in dropping a custom head!
    • Kill a player for a 50% chance of getting their head
      • Your chance of getting a second head will drop by 25% if you kill them again, this resets each restart.
    • All mobs have a 1% chance of dropping a custom head
    • Some mobs have 15+ custom heads to collect per mob!
    • Mob heads cannot be farmed! Once you collect the head of that mob, your chance of getting another will drop by 50% until the next server restart for that mob!
    • Dragon head drop is 100%
      • There are 8 dragon head drops (Body parts) to collect, which can be traded at /warp cove for collectable Dragon Armour and collectable Dragon Weapons!
    • You can use your looting enchanted items for a better chance in mob & player head drops!
      • Level 1 Looting: +0.5%
      • Level 2 Looting: +1.0%
      • Level 3 Looting: +1.5%
    • Mob heads will have custom lore with your username bound to them to make them extra unique!

Design Treasure Items

Contribute to Kits Treasure Chests & Events /server creative

Make custom Treasure Items for Kits Treasure Chests & Events

PirateCraft holds competitions for designing Treasure Items for our Kits, Treasure Chests and Event Items! You can be part of designing the custom Treasure lore on PirateCraft! And the best part is you can do this now! You don’t have to wait for a competition to open!

This is entirely unique to PirateCraft!

How to make custom items on PirateCraft

PirateCraft has a custom world on our /server creative called /warp treasure, Get yourself on this world where there is a tutorial at the spawn, example items in /kits you can edit and as soon as you /plot claim, a custom chest will generate with instructions too!

The key rule to follow is that you follow the “Color Codes & Treasure drop rates Guide” further up on this page! This is to keep all Treasure consistent and following the same template! That way everyone knows where items come from and how rare they are by just looking at them!

1. Go to the treasure world

  1. /server creative (You can also use /go or /creative)
  2. /warp treasure (Or walk through the Treasure portal!)

2. Spawn example Treasure items from /kits

To take out the guesswork, I have created custom /kits for creative that come pre-made with the correct colors & lore based on the rarity of the item you wish to create! Then all you need to do is re-name an item and give it some lore!

  1. /kits and click the rarity of item you want to create!
  2. Bonus! This tutorial is avalbile as a kit in game! /kit customitems

3. How to name your item /itemname

You can overwrite an existing items name, try it on one of the example /kit items.

  1. Hold your item and use /itemname <name> you can use any /colors in-game, make sure to follow the color structure
  2. You can use /itemname remove to remove an items name.
&4Legendary Name
&6Epic Name
&eRare Name
&9Uncommon Name
&aCommon Name

4. How to add Lore to an item

Itemlore can be appended, or set per line to an item.

  1. Use /itemlore [linenumber] [remove/insert new lore line] you can use any /colors
  2. You can remove a line with /itemlore [linenumber] remove, this will bump up appended lore lines, this can be used as a way to remove all lore from an item, if you use /itemlore [linenumber] 1 multiple times it will keep bumping each lore line up and keep removing line 1 until its all empty!
  3. You can add blank lines as breaks /itemlore 1
  4. Using /itemlore [lore] will append new lore after the last lore line

5. How to enchant an item

Set items enchantments

  1. Hold your item and use /enchant this will list all enchantments your item can have, you can click on the enchantments in chat.
  2. Or use /enchant <type> <level>

PirateCraft copy and paste Treasure Templates

To make life even easier, These are the PirateCraft templates that I created for each rarity of item that can easily be copy & pasted for quick editing & creation!


Display name in the Treasure Chest

/itemname &4Legendary Display Example

/itemlore 1 &cRed Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &4▌ ✪✪✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &a▌ Vote &f/vote
/itemlore 10 &b▌ Drops &f/treasure
/itemlore 11 &6▌ Store &f/donate
/itemlore 12
/itemlore 13 &e&nPurchase keys @
/itemlore 14

Item Generated for the player

/itemname &4Legendary Example

/itemlore 1 &cRed Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &4▌ ✪✪✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &6▌ Winter Treasure Chest &f/treasure


Display name in the Treasure Chest

/itemname &6Epic Display Example

/itemlore 1 &eYellow Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &6▌ ✪✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &a▌ Vote &f/vote
/itemlore 10 &b▌ Drops &f/treasure
/itemlore 11 &6▌ Store &f/donate
/itemlore 12
/itemlore 13 &e&nPurchase keys @
/itemlore 14

Item Generated for the player

/itemname &6Epic Example

/itemlore 1 &eYellow Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &6▌ ✪✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &6▌ Winter Treasure Chest &f/treasure


Display name in the Treasure Chest

/itemname &eRare Display Example

/itemlore 1 &3Dark Aqua Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &e▌ ✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &a▌ Vote &f/vote
/itemlore 10 &b▌ Drops &f/treasure
/itemlore 11 &6▌ Store &f/donate
/itemlore 12
/itemlore 13 &e&nPurchase keys @
/itemlore 14

Item Generated for the player

/itemname &eRare Example

/itemlore 1 &3Dark Aqua Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &e▌ ✪✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &6▌ Winter Treasure Chest &f/treasure


Display name in the Treasure Chest

/itemname &9Uncommon Display Example

/itemlore 1 &fWhite Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &9▌ ✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &a▌ Vote &f/vote
/itemlore 10 &b▌ Drops &f/treasure
/itemlore 11 &6▌ Store &f/donate
/itemlore 12
/itemlore 13 &e&nPurchase keys @
/itemlore 14

Item Generated for the player

/itemname &9Uncommon Example

/itemlore 1 &fWhite Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &9▌ ✪✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &6▌ Winter Treasure Chest &f/treasure


Display name in the Treasure Chest

/itemname &aCommon Display Example

/itemlore 1 &fWhite Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &a▌ ✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &a▌ Vote &f/vote
/itemlore 10 &b▌ Drops &f/treasure
/itemlore 11 &6▌ Store &f/donate
/itemlore 12
/itemlore 13 &e&nPurchase keys @
/itemlore 14

Item Generated for the player

/itemname &aCommon Example

/itemlore 1 &fWhite Lore
/itemlore 2 
/itemlore 3 &8⚑&o Winter 2021
/itemlore 4 
/itemlore 5 &f&lRARITY
/itemlore 6 &a▌ ✪
/itemlore 7 
/itemlore 8 &f&lHOW TO OBTAIN
/itemlore 9 &6▌ Winter Treasure Chest &f/treasure

Custom Mob Eggs and Potions

These are the two things that can not be made in-game and need to use external tools to generate code to spawn the items.

Since these will not be able to be created in-game, these will have to be pasted into the relevant discord channel to share!

Important: The key for making these work on PirateCraft is once you have generated the code, you have to click “Previous Versions” and select the code under 1.12.2

How to get custom heads for treasure

We have a database of thousands of heads you can search for! Use /heads s <term> or /heads by itself to open up the database.

At present this is limited to Contributor ranks only.

How to submit your items

Once you have finished creating your custom treasure items you can use /plot done which will show up in /plot list done for staff to find all completed plots in the treasure world.

Then please submit your plot ID with a few screenshots to the relevant discord channel, this way the community can give feedback on items created. You can get your plot ID by using /plot info when submitting if you write your plot ID as a command it will save staff time when teleporting to the claim! which looks like this /plot visit treasure;7;-1

Prizes & Credit

If your items are used in a Treasure Chest you will be given credit by having your name written on the Treasure Crate!

People that have items chosen will also have a prize of keys for the Treasure Chests when they go live!

/50 Online

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