World terrain generation idea's

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  • #88
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    This is an open thread for discussing how the PirateCraft world could be generated.

    This is what I was thinking so far:

    • Spawn on a pirate ship connected to a small desert island.
    • Hidden Cache’s of weapons and Goodies generated and hidden around the entire world.
    • New generated dungens on land, small forts full of Skeleton archers.
    • New terrain generation with TerrainControl, Large generated snow capped mountains.
    • Abandoned ships in the sea and on the coast.
    Doug “Godzilla0298”
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    Or you can spawn in a giant port where we can have the main city where most of the trade is done all the other ideas sound really good though.

    • Topics: 21
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    Big port would be pretty sick! and have a neat castle/fort with canons on too?

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    This idea sounds awesome, Where on the map should it be? A complete city from the ground up in the sea?
    maybe something like this but with bigger walls!

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    haha i came across that the other day, that place is mental!! something like that would be cool. Definitely bigger walls and maybe have out posts on them, so you can walk across the top.

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    Yeah, sounds good. Integrate lights with the new day/night sensor, or have an automatic wall of water/lava when it goes to night!

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    is this server forgotten I’ve been playing today I built my own ship I just wanna know, is it forgotten or are we still going, we need more people if so I’d be happy to help in any way I can I just want this thing to get going perhaps a moving ships plugin of some sort could help just get us going and bigger

    • Topics: 794
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    Were still going! The lack of people was due to bukkit taking an insane amount of time to update, and I need to re-advertise again.
    I have looked at a few of those plugins to move ships etc, but there are all terrible!

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    Restart this please! I will search the treasures!


    The Queen
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    Love the idea!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    Crazy Pirate
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    Guys, this thread was from 1.6.2 over to 1.7, when we restarted the map, and needed ideas for spawn, cove, etc.

    • Topics: 794
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    This is from 2012! That’s 3 years ago!


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