Worker for hire.

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  • #26385
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    This will be the main worker hiring page so anyone can post if they want to work.

    Anyone who posts here that wants to work must say at the top of the comment, “Worker, (what you work on here)”


    Aside from that, I’m a worker for hire myself, i work on wood, stone mining,

    and general land work. We can discuss payments ingame when I am online, mail me if not online with what you want to hire me for and the payment. I prefer payment in ingame cash.

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    Well, you are not a good worker because you never finished the job I gave you 😛

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

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    I might as well post here

    I am willing to do most things but prefer farm design/build, general building, grog brewing, potion brewing

    No set fee but prefer min of $10 per hour

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    I’ll work on whatever. I’m not very good at building unless I am told exactly what to build. I specialize in mining. I’m also proficient in archery and debugging redstone.

    Pay will be agreed on upon hire. Depends on work.

    Mining and brewing will be per item.

    All other jobs will be for time unless I decide otherwise.

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    Although this is a great idea, I believe it would be best if you organized this thread. With that being said, I made you some worker and hiring application formats:



    Services Specialized In:

    Hourly Payment:



    Service Required:

    Worker Requested (optional):

    Willing to Pay:


    Here is my application for hiring. I need someone to do me a certain job; more details will be given on the server.

    Username: _OPM_

    Service Required: Mining (materials)

    Worker Requested (optional): Redstone_Potato

    Willing to Pay: (Will settle on a price in-game)

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    Thanks Kai.

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