Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    Attention anyone who read Wolfheart’s post earlier today, i am very dissappointed that so many people openly agreed to attack our capitol city of New Rome, when after a short period of bloodshed we have done nothing but try and maintain peace and good relations with other crews. I want to make one thing clear, we do NOT want to drive Wolfheart and any others living with him/her out of our country, the mail wolfheart stated was NOT an agreed statement by both consulates of the New Roman Republic, and will not be tollerated, as i have talked with my fellow consulate and chastized him for such a remark. It further bewilders me that people would result to immature name calling, so i suggest to Wolfheart this: I understand your concern and your first reaction to this mail, and i sincerely appologize for my fellow consulate’s actions and behavior, he is the military consulate and has NO authority to force players out of land they rightfully own within our country, i suggest you be set up as a soveriegn state within our country which is presently extremely well established and cannot be moved, the specifics of this negociation can be discussed in private chat in game or through this site. Good day, Pax Romana. @Lordofpandas545

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Ok this makes alot more sense than what I thought

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    My land has become your country? How about no. It was Wind’s land before you claimed it as your own, and while Wind has nearly died, I still live on. Thus it is still Wind’s. The only negotiations we’ll be having is one in which you all leave and pester somebody else, or the other in which I kill you all and forcefully evict you. Pick your poison, and remember a caged wolf is the most dangerous kind there is.


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    So…can I join you and have some fun, Wolfheart?

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    Certainly, haven’t attacked a city in forever.


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    Hmmm… It’s like building a house on an ancient Indian Bureal Ground. Ghosts Haunt you. Wind is much tougher than SPQR is at the moment. Even if it’s one person, they have ally’s with ally’s who have dogs XD. Even the statement sounds a bit stupid. Join us or leave. It sounds pretty, desperate? Anyway, I like SPQR but this statement is pathetic. I know he wasn’t aloud to say it and blah blah blah. But did you ever tell him specifically, you can’t say anything? I got in trouble for making a statement and you made a whole topic about how crappy I was. Work on your communication skills before any more statements like these come out.


    Crazy Pirate
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    i sincerely appologize for my fellow consulate’s actions and behavior, he is the military consulate and has NO authority to force players out of land they rightfully own within our country (?), i suggest you be set up as a soveriegn state within our country (?) which is presently extremely well established and cannot be moved, the specifics of this negociation can be discussed in private chat in game or through this site.


    So, rather than making him move, your simply going to take all the land around him, declare it to be yours, and thereby limit his expansion?  Tut tut.

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    i will be ready to assist u wolf

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    What I sent him was an offer to pay him to leave and also it was an offer to help him build a new place.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
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    also chase I didnt try and force him out I offered to Buy him out.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
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    So any aggression is not on my part but on Wolfs and any misunderstanding is also on his part.  I simply said.  (Hello your lands are next to the lands of SPQR would you like to join use and if not would you consider moving.  I will compensate for any inconvenience and help you rebuild in a new location.)  That is what I sent him it may not be word for word but that is the purport of my message.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
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    Once again, literally situation as the VE that I had. I don’t understand why some Empires believe they own the right to other people’s land. This is the problem with ‘invisible land boundaries’.

    Look HRE, he doesn’t want an independent state in your country, he doesn’t want compensation, he doesn’t want anything to do with you. As CrazyPirate already said, youre effectively taking the land around him.

    It’s like the USA saying to Canada: “hey, youre my neighbour, now be part of the USA and you will be the county of Canada, alright?”

    It’s not on.

    If anyone is curious of my situation 5 months ago, here is the old topic: http://piratemc.com/topic/this-new-verrusian-continent/

    It’s a dead topic, but if you read through it, its exactly the same situation. I remained firm, and VE backed off.

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    Ok I get what you are saying Maximus but the Borders of SPQR are not invisible we are building a border wall and I never told him he had to leave.  I asked him and if he doesn’t want to I am fine with that as long as he doesn’t attack my guys.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
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    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!

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    Hmm… Sounds like red is on the horizon, this will be fun…

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    @Lordofpandas545 you have 2 options wolf, we can be sensible about this and talk this out, or we can be children and fight over a land that we have most claim to and have worked to secure, if you wanna start a war i really dont care, but im not gonna waste a set of captain armor on someone who seems to want to do nothing but fight, we worked our asses off to get this crew rolling and im not gonna let someone leech all our gear away, so it comes down to if you wanna talk this out and be sensible, or if you wanna act on your emotions and attack a city with a near impregnable wall. as said before, pax romana @Buckmaster1993

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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