People Doesn't Want the Memes, boi

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  • #35670
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    r.i.p the memes. This was a happy place but then I got advice.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    Erm. I recommend taking this down quickly mate, before you get banned, some of this is funny but overall, people who look at this may be disgusted.

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    Damn people who get triggered

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    The Queen
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    Well you are not hated by more of the lines of a “world leader who is mocked and made fun of for poor leadership who fails to go through on what he says”

    Also the fact that some of your old rants were just to show off to everyone when we never knew who you were before then makes some grand entrance..


    as I have said before, you should check my empire guidelines lecture on the forums and it could help you in the long run and earn more respect along the way.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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