What's Going on With Apple?

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    What’s Going on With Apple?


    For the past couple of weeks, there has been much talk about the entire Apple crew. Several of the Apple’s crew members have hacks, but not the entire crew. The thing is that, even though only several members of the Apple crew hack, many fights have broken out between other crews and the Apple crew. Many people in the Apple crew have been killed, hackers or not. Many of their bases have been attacked, raided, and the people in them, like I just said, have been killed. Just yesterday, Build1115, Keemster and Galaxy219 lead an attack on an Apple base in the South Western part of the world in the mesa biome.


    The three of them attacked the Apple Base, three members of the Apple crew (we do not have the info of their names) came at Build, Keemster, and Galaxy in their God armor and they all fought each other for a little bit of time until the three members of the Apple crew were killed. They were killed but several more came to their aid. The three members of the Apple crew whom which were just killed, came straight back into battle wearing yet another God set, see to the fourth paragraph to read about the controversies of the several sets of God armor they possessed. So by then, the Apple crew was greatly outnumbering the three non-Apple crew members. So it was time to call in back up of their own.


    Galaxy219 teleported in Ice_Knight and Turkeyman was also teleported into the fight. On the other side however, M4rt teleported in to help the Apple crew fight British Empire members and Templar members. More people were killed in the Apple crew, but they kept coming back to fight. In chat, there were hackusations being made against some of the members in the Apple crew. To see if this was true, I had to come to the fight to see it myself. Sure enough when I got there, Build and I went after Batteria and when we got our fifth hit or so in, he flew right up onto the base’s wall and jumped back down on to the ground. He did this several times before he was able to escape. The fight lasted about ten more minutes until really the only person who kept fighting was Macrohero. He would spawn and continually run at the people attacking the Apple base. So, eventually nothing else went on and everyone eventually left.


    Now there have been many accusations that several of the crew members hack on the server. There have also been accusations toward the duplication of their God armor. If they are duplicating their armor, is there really any way to prove it. So, that will more than likely remain a mystery till later on. M4rt released a forum post last night that was written in Italian and apparently it was not appropriate to be on the forums so CallieMav took it down, gave him a temporary ban for knowing about some of the hackers in the crew and not reporting them and possibly extended it for the comments he made on the forums. As for Apple himself, he made a rather large reply on the forum post, The Apple Crew which was started by CaptainCrackerz. To sum it all up, his post really was just saying that many of the members in the British Empire were making unjustified accusations at the Apple crew whole. He also pretty much said that he and Bislo was working out the problems. He responded to some of the replies that were put on the forum post using screenshots for backup.


    So, the Apple crew is really in a mess here. Some of its members have hacks and others do not. The problem is that everyone is looking at the crew as a whole, but in reality not everyone is hacking. So, will this eventually resolve and if so, what will be of the Apple crew? What all crews will make alliances with it and how will relations work out. Tell us your opinion on anything that we talked about and anything that may have been wrong and needs to be fixed in the news story. -Spreading news across the seas, we’ll see you on the server!






    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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    @CreeperAssassin2 hacking is prohibited on PirateCraft, they need to be reported immediately to staff so they can be permanently banned, your crew knew about hackers and did not report them, this is why you are now a target.

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    Obviously duplicated armor. And where was I when this happened. 🙁 I love a good god fight. It’s a shame when I have to miss one.


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    Sweet! I made the news


    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    Apple’s crew looks like it needs cull its member base before it’s too late and implement a zero tolerance policy towards hackers and stat riggers. The crew itself must take up the task of reporting any member suspected of cheating directly to the mods. If I were in Apple’s shoes, I’d delegate powers to my most trusted, honourable members as overseers to maintain order. A crew that size can hardly be kept in check with only one leader figure.

    With all those changes in place, Apple’s crew should be on the best road to recovery. It is after all said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away!

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    Part of the problem is that applejk is the one and only leader. Which is a flaw on his part.


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    Apple is a levelheaded being, I have no doubt he’d sort it out, possibly even make M4RT3S a leader too, it’d help him deal with a lot of this.


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    Love how Batteria can get up and start flying around several times, but I get kicked for flying every time I jump off the 2-block drop from my ship to my docks.

    ~Privateer for the 13c

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    Someone record a fight

    with apple?


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