Hey ho, thought I’d just post some pictures of the latest events of what has been going recently for me (nothing bad don’t worry- or get your hopes up :P)
Well first of all, got a new pet, named Clover, if you listen closely you might be able to hear us shouting her name whenever she bites or does something incredibly annoying. 😛
Clover the Spoodle
And I went and saw Dippy the Dinosaur yesterday- though its not the original one, but actually the cast of the original one which is in America- this cast is the one seen as you enter the Natural History Museum in London, which is actually an awful lot bigger than it looks in the pictures, and in that huge grand hall in the Nat. History Museum.
Dippy the Dinosaur. 2018. Dorch. #dippyontour
Anyway, thought I would do this as we are a community after all! Hope you all are having a good time also (despite my absence, :/) on the server.