welp, seeya

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  • #39343
    meats back on the table boyos
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    cbf with this server now

    I’m sorry you decided to act that way to me


    lez go

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    The way you acted towards Staff was disgusting and even when other players and staff warned you to stop you carried on and made you worse for yourself and that’s most likely why you were banned straight away because of your lack of respect :/

    Edit: Also I even told you that staff couldn’t nick the guy with the N word in his name only Gods could

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
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    meats back on the table boyos
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    lez go

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    Nath you got a fair amount of warning before the first kick even.

    • [07:57:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » Whalecum to the server
    • [07:58:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » You know you love it

    This first off should not be a joke, its kinda disgusting.

    • [08:30:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] CallieMav » NathOfShovels. Get over it. Was a temp mute
    • [08:31:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » But how is it a mature way of dealing with a situation to just say
    • [08:31:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » Get over it
    • [08:33:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » But i would have liked a proper warning

    I would say that a temp mute is a fair warning bud. I’m not going to waste my time going through the rest of the logs full of this but….

    • [08:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » This is the worst ive ever seen staff act ever

    You disrespected a staff decision and couldn’t take the hint to stop when you were temp muted and kicked multiple times. Different people will react in different ways to things people say. It seems like you couldn’t figure that out and you paid for it.


    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

    meats back on the table boyos
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    lez go

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    A. Little children play on this server and they don’t need to think that’s an okay way to welcome someone to the server or anything else.

    B. You were disrespecting Callie by not taking the many hints he had given you. You kept saying in many ways “why am I being punished for this joke” If you can’t see the reason behind that then that’s your own problem to sort out.

    I’m done with this post.


    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

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    Bro your “welcome” message was totally immature and your lucky you haven’t been reported about that before. Im glad someone called you out on that.

    The temp mutes/bans, are warnings a guidelines and your not supposed to question staff about it but act better the second time.


    A endermite kicked my ass

    meats back on the table boyos
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    lez go

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    To make it clear what happend:

    1. You start on your “whalecum” jokes.

    2. At least 3 people tell you to shut up

    3. you continue, now saying “It’s full of protein”

    4. You get kicked by staff.

    5. You rejoin, and continue your “whalecum” jokes, also starting to say “I know you like it” when i tell you to shut up again.

    6. You are starting to complain about your kick by saying: “Welp, someone don’t like protein,”

    7. You do your “whalecum” jokes a few more times.

    8. Here you get your 10 min mute.

    9. Your 10 min mute expires and you start asking why you got muted, and saying stuff like this: [08:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » This is the worst ive ever seen staff act ever

    10. Callie finally gives you a ban.

    11. You come to the forum and start complaining about your “unfair ban” that you didn’t see comming, and you thought were a joke.


    Just be happy it’s not perm.

    meats back on the table boyos
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    have fun and good riddance

    lez go

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    Nath, that was very silly


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    I wouldn’t say anything if I was temp banned I would just be happy I could play again.


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    I agree with Callies decision and what SaltyShay said (btw love your vids)

    It doesn’t matter if you think you did nothing wrong as staffs decision is final. Godsdead chose these people because he trusted them not because he wanted to screw you over

    I like trains!

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