[website] Wiki updated, Mobile friendly skin & image/video gallery!

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  • #59518
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I did a big update to the Wiki today, here for those that haven’t visited in a while http://wiki.piratemc.com/

    • Upgraded MediaWiki main software
    • Added mobile friendly skin, this will automatically load a mobile version of the wiki when you load the wiki from a mobile device, this is the same extension wikipedia uses, so will be very familiar.
    • Added media gallery, so images now load into a photo lightbox with controls to slide through them
    • Added Admins can now rename users https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Renameuser
    • Added better cache system for the wiki page loading

    Reminders of things you can do with the Wiki

    Wiki Boss

    The boss, and now Wiki admin is Palmerageddon (contribs) who has the same permissions as me on the Wiki, so most issues can be solved through Palmer.

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