[website][moved again!] Moved piratemc.com to new web hosting

Home Forums PirateCraft Website [website][moved again!] Moved piratemc.com to new web hosting

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  • #45850
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    Ahoy scallywags!

    I was with the old host for 10 years with various projects, so I was attached in some ways, but 2017 is a new year, new year new web-host. I finally had enough of the poor service and poor customer support so I jumped ship to a new web host, the migration was completed far sooner than I thought it would take (and they did the work!).

    As you can see the website is back up and running, there are a few broken things, but I will go through those one by one, seems like The main website, punishment tracker, wiki, map is all working fine, the stats and online player counter is broken at present.

    If you do notice anything else that is broken, please do tell me.

    Do you notice any speed improvements? I can’t tell if its a placebo of moving hosts for me.

    Now this has happened, at a later date I can look at:

    • Making a mobile friendly, faster loading theme and redesign for the website (No ETA).
    • Moving over to Https so were all secure as can be.

    Tell me if you have any issues with the website, if things broke, but also do tell me if you think its faster or slower.


    We were moved again! from a UK server to Chicago, I mentioned to a member of staff that most people visit the website from the USA and he moved the entire website again to a Chicago server they have for free! So hopefully its as fast as the UK one (Give me an update on that)

    We lost a few posts and “likes” as I was out when the move was made, but nothing major, also stats is working again.

    Update 2

    My new host offer their own custom cache service that makes the website work with their hardware better, storing a cache direct in their ram, I have enabled this feature, so any weird cache issues please do report them to me.


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    For me speed has increased considerably. Before the migration when I was browsing the forums or whatever it would take a while to load each page, so much so that eventually I began to keep another website open and go on that while waiting for the pages to load. When I tried the piratecraft website this morning I opened my other website in the background as usual but found that this was no longer necessary – piratemc had loaded after only a second or two.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

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    For me speed has increased considerably. Before the migration when I was browsing the forums or whatever it would take a while to load each page, so much so that eventually I began to keep another website open and go on that while waiting for the pages to load. When I tried the piratecraft website this morning I opened my other website in the background as usual but found that this was no longer necessary – piratemc had loaded after only a second or two.

    Yeah it was awful, I only realized that the server is now based in the UK, so im a little worried about this since most are from the USA. You’re based in the UK Gildor, so me and you may get better speeds than the US crew! So It would be nice to heard from them aswell!

    It still takes a few seconds to post a forum post, which is a bit annoying, I think thats because it has to send an email at the same time aswell though.

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    This speed does seem much faster than before. It used to take ages to load and then end up in some “No Internet Connection” bs, but now I can search forums and stalk live map without any problems ?

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Easily faster.


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    Much faster website – also in Denmark!


    Amazing work! 😉

    Crazy Pirate
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    That was weird…

    I cleared a bunch of notifications earlier, and replied to a few posts. I closed the pages, loaded them up about an hour later; no notifications, and my posts were still there. I’m checking now, but I’ve got all the notifications from earlier, and my posts have vanished.

    Did anyone else see my ITcraft pun from earlier?

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    The same thing happened to me, looks like a rollback or something. I made a ship for sale post and its now gone. Shame really since it took a while to make.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

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    That was weird… I cleared a bunch of notifications earlier, and replied to a few posts. I closed the pages, loaded them up about an hour later; no notifications, and my posts were still there. I’m checking now, but I’ve got all the notifications from earlier, and my posts have vanished. Did anyone else see my ITcraft pun from earlier?

    The same thing happened to me, looks like a rollback or something. I made a ship for sale post and its now gone. Shame really since it took a while to make.

    Read the giant bold update in the main post.

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    Ok, I’ll repost roughly what I wrote before:

    Prior to this update I had been noticing a lot of page timeouts on the forums. This was incredibly frustrating when writing long posts. I’ll keep an eye open and see if the new host “cures” the problem.

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    This is very interesting. It looks like I had liked the two posts above this one before the new host took over. It doesn’t seem to have forgotten, however! Both the new posts seem to have automatically been liked by me and are now locked.

    Edit: Or maybe not? This post appears to have been liked by me as well and I cannot like it myself. Weird.

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    This is very interesting. It looks like I had liked the two posts above this one before the new host took over. It doesn’t seem to have forgotten, however! Both the new posts seem to have automatically been liked by me and are now locked. Edit: Or maybe not? This post appears to have been liked by me as well and I cannot like it myself. Weird.

    Paulception, I heard you like pauls posts? so I put a pauls post in a pauls post

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    Is it possible there was a rollback on the wiki, @Godsdead? I wrote a long article on Wednesday or Thursday which took me about two hours to complete. Now it’s disappeared into thin air! D:

    Crazy Pirate
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    Weird. I never liked Paul’s post #45871, but it seems I’ve automatically liked it and cannot unlike it. Weeeeird.

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