[website] Menu items are highlighted when you are on a page, and 0 notificaitons

Home Forums PirateCraft Website [website] Menu items are highlighted when you are on a page, and 0 notificaitons

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  • #60396
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★
    • Took way longer than expected to figure this one out, but When you visit pages now on the website it will highlight that page in the dropdown menus! So you can see where you currently are! Helpful for forums, with the few exceptions I couldn’t figure out:
      • Latest Topics wont be highlighted as its neither a page or a forum, and I cant figure out how to check for it.
      • Crew forum will highlight, but once you click onto another crew it wont, as this moved from being forum territory to “group” territory and I couldn’t find the function to check the group forum ID, for some reason its completely different.
    • When you have 0 notifications the notifications bubble will not display now! was annoying be seeing [0] next to my username!
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