You may have noticed that today I did some maintenance on the server, This included upgrading our statistics tracking system. The stats devs decided to completely change the back-end of the data storage for stats, this completely killed the statistics web ui that I was using to display this information to the world! Not very helpful.
I have waited months for their web ui dev to get off his arse and actually release something worth while, but its not very good, at all, so from a web UI standpoint we have taken a few steps back, from the stats point of view, we have more statistics being tracked (including PVP now!)
I have customized this new panel somewhat already today, but its nowhere near what I want it to be showing, we have loads of incredible data we can be showing and no interface to do it!
sadly this developer decided that assigning user ID’s to players was a good idea instead of using usernames like every other plugin on the planet, so this breaks our online user, one click to statistics profile that we had before, now it takes you to a search page of everyone with that username.. You can see this “developer” is already winding me up.
But with this update lets us finally move forward (once some of the bugs with the upgrade have been ironed out).