we should have a community tavern

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    this is a pirate server.have you ever see a pirate without rum? i think we need a tavern and a player who know brewing should work there too

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    The Elves have long been preparing for an event system to hold over the summer. It would include balls, tournaments, feasts, meeles etc. Of course, we could only invite allies and empire members, as pirates have a history of ruining these events. Yet, another concept by the side was a system for pirate events, highly dangerous to hold, yet also giving more players a good experience. The tavern you propose would be perfect for events such as these. Safe, yet also fun. You could add brawling areas,  bars, cellars, secret rooms and hideouts, it would enrich the gameplay on the server. I would love to help manage this tavern, if you decide to implement it and need any help, don’t hesitate to contact me.


    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    There are taverns all over PirateCraft! Heck, I built a proper colonial styled one a while back for BOTM. Just do some exploring or if you are up to it, build and run your own!

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