We need this!

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  • #17606
    Crazy Pirate
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    Was mucking around in my .minecraft reserve, and found an old texture pack of mine, that I’d done some messing about with. Unzipped it, and found that it had some awesome 3d textures I’d forgotten about. I know it’s not a musket, but you could easily copy and paste the design into a server resource pack, and we could finally add muskets. This is, btw, without mods.

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    so its a bow right? i like the idea but i much prefer the plugin that lest you have muskets  shoot like muskets :/


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    The Queen
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    Very nice battle formation 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    We definetly need this

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    I’m down for something like this being added

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    Is it just me or is the server down?

    Member of The British Empire
    Son of Reptaria and Lithvather

    Crazy Pirate
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    First of all, it’s not a bow; it’s a texture, that can be used for any item. The one I’m using at that time is a stone pickaxe.

    Secondly, not relevant max.

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    Reminds me I need to do a request topic for another idea of mine involving something I told you about Crazy… 😉

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    Can this be combined with the gun plugin? At the second I think guns just look like horse armour?

    Crazy Pirate
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    That’s my plan, I want to use that texture and combine it with the gun plugin 🙂

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    We have had a working guns plugin for over 6 months, picking the initial block to be the “gun” is the hardest thing for people that don’t use a custom texture pack.

    If we were to implement a gun plugin, and use a custom texture pack, we would need to take this gun model and put it in with the custom pack, Im all for Dokucraft.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I can do that easy, as can anyone; copy, paste, etc.

    We use a golden hoe and spade atm, why not use a golden pick? Seems good enough, and if the current design is for a stone pick, it won’t effect the way the gun is held either. However, the actual design is move of a “rifle” than “musket”, but it’s so detailed it would be worth it.

    Could you not have a prompt, when people join, asking them to download a server resource pack? I’ve seen this before, and apart from some small lag when you join a game, it makes an experience unique and pain free.

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    I think if we used an item for a gun texture, it should be a golden axe, because in vanilla it looks more like a gun than a pickaxe, and not everyone is going to use the pack.

    Also, I think Conquest would be better for a server pack.

    On the topic of re-texturing, I think we should replace the golden shovel and golden hoe with things that make more sense. Maybe for the shovel we could use some wooden stake, and for the hoe a sextant or compass.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’d go for a blueprint for the spade, and a wheel for the hoe.

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    Ha, I was impressed by one texture pack I found on YouTube that looked really promising…

    It’s an altered John Smith pirate (resource) pack with some nice elements such as pirate head scarfs (leather helmet), damp cobblestone with water effects (mossy cobblestone), pirate period doors, pirate zombie models, cranks instead of levers and even a flintlock gun model. It might be possible to hand-pick certain textures out of it?

    Unfortunately there isn’t a download link! The creator would have to be contacted to see if the pack could be gotten hold of… 🙁

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