We Must Act Fast:
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- This topic has 15 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 10 months ago by
April 17, 2015 at 12:21 am #12219
@godsdead @alex lazescu @dr.solid .the economy is changing were going from a pirates server to a merchants only server. i think we need to keep the merchants at bay and make the npc shops as fast as possible (sry if that sentance stresst you out gods ). i got a stack of diamonds today for only 764 bucks and i would have gottwn it for 640 if it wassent for hardtimez messing with my custermors.
764$ only? that dosent sound right!. we need to make the economy stick to the price when it comes to diamonds and other ores (also things like armour and swords). so i came up with a simple plan to fix this
1.make the official minimum price for diamonds be 20.
2. make the npc shops. so players dont get there money from selling diamonds cheap cheap cheap!
3.make it a law to not go below this price (for the respect of role play). you wont get banned but you will pay a fee.
i think this is simple plan that can be done in a month or two (if the npc shops are working when we start)..
dr. solid whats wrong with your grammar you say? wll i’ll fix it later in an hour or two.
Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi
i realy like One Piece
April 17, 2015 at 3:28 am #12221Making a rule wouldn’t help role play at all. In real life, people can sell stuff for whatever they want. Having a place that buys diamonds for a set amount (£10-20) will do enough. The Diamond Standard, if you will. If someone is ignorant enough to sell diamonds below that price gets ripped off, life goes on. That would dwindle the diamond supply and once they become more rare players will be willing to spend more for them.
Personally I think £20 to sell a single diamond is pretty stiff and I certainly wouldn’t buy one at that price, but that’s beside the point.
April 17, 2015 at 7:32 am #12230Actually NPC-shops sound like a good idea but i guess other circumstances would be great.
Since we already have set prices for Logstacks at cove why don’t we base our economy on that?
The idea is not perfect but we could make trade-shops that exchange other items for Logstacks that are 6£ worth if you sell them….just as an idea since it wouldn’t be such a direct interfere with the tradesystem.April 17, 2015 at 7:33 am #12231I’d rather wait and see what happens; the BE has loads of projects under construction that would allow us to control certain aspects of the market! People will realise that they are getting ripped off, selling diamonds at a lower price than others.
April 17, 2015 at 8:37 am #12233The Only Way To Make The Diamonds Increase in price would be to make the diamonds more useful then they already are for example:
A Ship Would Require 1 diamond block to officially come alive or some sort or it cost 4 diamonds to create a crew or something in that sort
That’s The only way to make diamonds increase in price
-Cap’n Hardtimez
April 17, 2015 at 9:17 am #12241April 17, 2015 at 9:35 am #12263You can have 100 big shops but if the miners are not satisfied with what the shops are paying they will sell for themselves
-Cap’n Hardtimez
April 17, 2015 at 9:45 am #12274Maybe there should be some kind of stock market and shares, this might increase values and prices.
April 17, 2015 at 9:48 am #12275or a limit on how many shops, maybe set minimums for everything, that way places can create sales and a bit of comeptition. But not selling stuff at ridiculous prices on both ends of the spectrum.
April 17, 2015 at 12:03 pm #12288I agree with HardTimez, because as of for know, diamonds are worthless. Same as gold. Each ship should have an extra requirement. Like for dhow it is 1 diamond. D it increases from 1 diamond up. That’s just my idea.
April 17, 2015 at 2:43 pm #12296Theres no need to make this more complex, prices rise and fall.
We will never sell/buy rare items as the server, the only Items you can buy or Sell from the server is Logs, Ive covered this a few times but let me go over it again:
- Anyone can grow/cut trees, at any rank.
- Logs are renewable, since they can be grown, they cant ever run out
- Logging is a real business, the wood can be used to actually build boats, and houses, since the materials are put into physical chests at the cove, we can use the wood sold to us to build more to the cove/docks.
- There is only 1 type of item you can sell, this restricts gaming multiple items between each other since a servers balance is infinite, A players balance is limited, which means theres only a certain amount they can be ripped off.
- Reduces cheating to find precious items.
- Having 1 type of item sets a base price for all other items (If you wanted to work it out)
Now the plan was to have each type of wood be sold at a different part of the map (N/E/S/W), in locations that didn’t have a warp, so you would have to travel into this area by foot/horse/cart/ship, but we need the towns to be built.
I wouldn’t mind seeing some form of TAX for merchants, sadly this isnt built into our plugin.
April 17, 2015 at 3:32 pm #12297April 17, 2015 at 6:01 pm #12316NCP shops and server shops are unneccesary, if tou dont like to buy from a merchant, mine it yourself.
Prices fluctaute too often for someone to maintain a server shop worth having.
Tax would be a great thing, perhaps something can be done about that somehow.
People with auto gold/iron farms will always be able to control the market for those items, and i dont respect people who ruin the economy by using them.
April 17, 2015 at 6:15 pm #12317Hrm taxes….but for what?
If we use taxes for living somewhere people will easily settle somewhere else.
If we put taxes on trading or shops most people will propably just trade personally and sethomes at spawn to stay safe.If we put up taxes we have to give something in return.
Maybe a special protected farmland or safeties if you loose your harvest or something.
Tradingtaxes will have to offer something similar, like a police that follows tradecrimes…..or at least the possibility to set up shops where guards are close.April 17, 2015 at 7:30 pm #12323i know this might sound crazy but. when i played world of war craft (which actually is a great help too real world economy) you traded bye right clicking another player and then a page opened (similar to a chest when you open it except this was a divided chest flipped to the side) we could decide for how much and the trade was goanna be and then hit the trade button. NOW here is how the taxes would work. You pay the taxes to use this and in return you are assured that you will get a fair price to this (or a price you and the other player have decided) is this a plugin or could this be one?
look up how to tarde in wow if you whant to know how it works…
Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi
i realy like One Piece
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