/warp halloween PVP back on

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    I turned off PVP at /warp Halloween temporarily to allow for a pleasant experience, time for the pleasantry to stop. PVP is active again at /warp Halloween for the duration of the event before we decide to close it.

    To go with this, I have posted a blog post about the event, if you have any screenshots to add to it please post them in here and Ill add them to the blog post

    Swashbuckler Season

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    This is a very good idea for future events like this. Disable PVP for a certain number of days so all players can enjoy it, then reenable it for those pirates who wish to cause havoc. A win-win scenario for everyone!

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    This is a very good idea for future events like this. Disable PVP for a certain number of days so all players can enjoy it, then reenable it for those pirates who wish to cause havoc. A win-win scenario for everyone!


    Having PVP turned off at the events can lead to one of the issues the Halloween had…people coming in simply for the loot without actually doing anything to earn it.

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    I agree with Elex, however, now that we know this will occur in future events certain players can wait until pvp in enabled… if people want to try to kill the “boss” with little armor and goods they can do it first. I for one will wait for the pvp to be enabled next time and go in with a few trustworthy players who are risking the same stuff. (quicker kills, and we will split the loot fairly). Makes more sense to be able to kill those people who steal mob drops then having them run around and pick up the drops then tp out.

    Regardless, it was a good event! Thanks Gods!

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    @elexandre1994 it goes both ways, The players that were riskign all their elite well earned gear were doing all the fighting, then assholes would run in and steal the loot, they couldn’t do anything about this as PVP was off, what I have done is perfect like Paul said, when the event drops we have PVP off so people can enjoy the event, without people just camping and killing being assholes, then once its calmed down a bit, we re-enable PVP.


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