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    Blu Pearson
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    This bounty is officially closed as of 8/19/2016.

    Due to new circumstances this bounty is no longer available and will not be paid if you try to collect. Diplomacy has prevailed, balance restored, and a fresh start is to be had.

    Thank you and remember “Friends don’t let fiends TP kill”

    Here’s a little vid explaining the bounty

    The vid is set to unlisted so only pirates reading the forums with this link cant see it.

    Don’t be afraid to collect on this bounty. I believe that TP Killing needs to be punished and we the players are the only ones who can make it suck for those who do it.

    1 – Kill Keemster

    2 – Take all drops (armor, tools, weapon’s, random blocks) and keep them, burn them in lava, or give them to me or another player who is not his friend. For this to be impact full there has to be a cost to the criminal so they will think twice before doing it again.

    3 – To collect on the bounty post a screen of the kill in this thread or PM from when it pops up in the chat log and see me in game.

    4 – Bring the head/s to cove and collect ye money 🙂

    When the heads have been collected I will close the thread.

    Happy Hunting Pirates

    Ic3y ;]
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    So sorry Yeti, your one of the nicest kindest players

    Ill talk to Keem 😀


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    Ill do it 🙂

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
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    You’re evil yeti! Keemster’s been a real annoying person, just like his name, just adding er and having a teenage boy skin is annoying. He killed me for no reason once but as I’m on the lesser end of the butt hurt spectrum I resisted the temptation to report him to browe, tp killing is bad, I did it once to test a trap but I gave the users stuff back. People don’t realise the vibe it gives, it’s like “hey, your a filthy liar, well, server hate for eternity now!” People like CaptainCutless have made a change and stopped tp killing people, and I’m proud to be a part in that change. Tp killing is wrong and annoying, so are teenage boy skins, *points to himself* you hear that!?


    Ic3y ;]
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    yeti he hasn’t been killed yet, good luck everyone XD

    Also if anyone tries to kill him u gotta come near my base, and that means I’m inclined to stab you with keem, so I wouldn’t if I where you. Yes he did wrong but haven’t we all? Hes just a pirate like us all. One more thing, keem is qorth 1.5k + his heads are non existent and hes 2nd on the KDR, so again, Good luck XD


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    yeti he hasn’t been killed yet, good luck everyone XD Also if anyone tries to kill him u gotta come near my base, and that means I’m inclined to stab you with keem, so I wouldn’t if I where you. Yes he did wrong but haven’t we all? Hes just a pirate like us all. One more thing, keem is qorth 1.5k + his heads are non existent and hes 2nd on the KDR, so again, Good luck XD

    That’s why he was running away from me in Rome till you came, aye?

    JDM Cars are the best

    Ic3y ;]
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    yeti he hasn’t been killed yet, good luck everyone XD Also if anyone tries to kill him u gotta come near my base, and that means I’m inclined to stab you with keem, so I wouldn’t if I where you. Yes he did wrong but haven’t we all? Hes just a pirate like us all. One more thing, keem is qorth 1.5k + his heads are non existent and hes 2nd on the KDR, so again, Good luck XD

    That’s why he was running away from me in Rome till you came, aye?


    Witch he pearled once just so he could move his pots 😕


    The Queen
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    I like your beard 😀

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Ily Blu. You are 100% right.

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    also @Browe Keemster was Templar I thought O.o

    Blu Pearson
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    Ice, Browe thanks for understanding. I don’t mean to cause you guys any grief, so if anyone wants to claim the bounty do so in the wild and not at Templar properties. He likes to raid and can be found out and about easy enough.

    If you guys want to spank him in house that would be fine, haha or just let him sweat it out in the wild. Heads are heads.

    I know that anyone that has the gear to beat him doesn’t need the money and would be taking the bounty just out of boredom or principle.

    I only offered the use of the farm because he was a Templar and there was nothing to steal there anyway. It never crossed my mind that he would tp kill me later. I suppose that’s always a risk when dealing with people you don’t know very well.

    @Browe made a post on the bounty plugin giving the bounty maker the head of their bounty upon collection and I love that idea. Since it’s not a reality right now I decided to do this because I want my bounties to know it was me who caused their destruction and would like a trophy for the money spent. 🙂

    It’s like crowdsourcing your payback since we all can’t be OP PVPer’s haha.

    I guess Keemster mistook my kindness for weakness and thought I would whine in chat for a minute and let it go but that’s not how I roll. Yaaarrrgghhh

    Thanks @Reptaria 🙂 I wanted to dye it blue but my wife nixed that idea haha

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    I would be honored to kill this guy, let the witch hunts begin!



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    Ic3y ;]
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    I would be honored to kill this guy, let the witch hunts begin! ?

    Go any where near hin , he or I will slice you and I will get Dank Memes


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    Nobody can handle the power of the Dank Memes. Only I am worthy of it..


    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    He’s in Templars and does crap like that? That’s pretty low, I thought you had to be good to join that crew?


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