Victory is at hand

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    On this day, 70 years ago, May 8th 1945 war was torn across Europe. After weeks of day and night nonstop bombing and artillery, Nazi Berlin is under siege. Soviet forces are rushing in from the East, while Allied forces close in on the West in a deadly pincer-crushing maneuver. In the mean time, the Nazis won’t give up- every man, woman, and child is called into battle, given the classic MG and Panzerfaust with the swastika stained onto their souls. This is the final battle- no going back, the blood of 20,000,000 lives are on their hands, and it’s time to pay the price for the crime. On this day in 1945, the final raid of Berlin took place, the Führer holds a pistol to his head, and victory is at hand. May we all salute to these magnificent people- the great soldiers from the countries of the world, who stood up to pure evil, and defeated them in 5 years of bloodshed and genocide. A moment of silence to remember the truly vast amount of lives lost, and that freedom isn’t free. If it wasn’t for those valiant men and women, we might all be speaking German today…

    And to remember- that violence cannot be the answer. Through diplomacy, and compassion, we can all work together to build a greater tomorrow. We are the people of the world, and it is our responsibility to prevent things like this from happening. Each one of us has a magnificent potential, you all can help the world by living up to what you are best at, so go, be yourself, and do something great, because tomorrow, we will be something great together. Hear the cry of humanity! The reign of freedom, justice, and equality shall fill our hearts!

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    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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    this made me cry a bit 🙂


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I feels slightly offended for beeing german.
    Dude i know you mean good but i think it is wrong to judge the whole german nation…you can judge many germans of that time but saying everyone went into their deaths, fighting the allied?
    Also: what about the rebels in germany?

    It is cool that you celebrate this but i think that the way you present this makes whole germany look terrible and…i can’t emphazise with the destruction caused on either side of the battlefield.
    I LIVE in Berlin and it messes me up that you not only assosiate the country i live in but also the town i live in with pure evil…you propably didn’t mean it but this post made me rally sad dude 🙁

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    Uh oh, it looks like this thread is going to escalate very quickly indeed. Can we just lock it and call it a day? The majority of Germans were normal people like you or me. They have been through 70 years of soul searching to process the question of how such a horrendous ideology was allowed to take hold and why they allowed such atrocities to happen. At the same time, it must also be said that Nazi Germany is not the only side that committed war crimes during that frightful period of history nor were they solely responsible for the events that lead to the Nazi uprising. These are topics that have been discussed to near exhaustion. May we all look back and remember the brave soldiers on all sides who left their lives as well as the victims if the conflict. And strive to make sure it never happens again.

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    To be honest, @stingbarry, i think he meant the Nazi regime and not germany as a country. This war happened a long time ago, but we still remember it very well due to tv and books and some of us have relatives who actually fought, or lived through this so this subject is something some of us hold dearly to our hearts and therefore I think it is easy to offend someone. I’m sure zoro does not have anything against the modern germany, you guys have done much to redeem the reputation of the German nation, so don’t take it so hard. Hitler was the problem, he brainwashed not only germans, but also people in many other countries to follow his way. So happy 70th anniversary of the end to this awful war.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    @Stingbarry Yes, I meant exactly what Bislo said. Here I am referring to the Nazis, not Germany. Many people unforunatley are too ignorant to realize that the first country the Nazis invaded were their own. I think this day would be extremely special for you, but unfortunately the liberation of the Germans was not until the oppressive ways of the USSR came to an end and the Berlin Wall fell. I know good and well that Germany didn’t start the war. Germany didn’t start the holocaust. Hitler and the Nazis started the war and they were the evil ones. Unforttunately this still leaves a stain on the name of the greatness that is the German people for some. As for myself I love Germany and it’s beautiful culture, and plan to spend lots of time there when I’m older. I am in constant awe of the fascinating art masterpieces, astounding technologies, wonderfully constructed society, and the rich history it has. But today is remembering the lives lost the the evil that was the Nazis, and how we all banded together, Germany included, and defeated them.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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    Ok seems i missunderstood you sorry just had a not sooo great week in RL.
    Still i don’t think this day should be celebrated.
    Mostly because this day led to the west-east conflict and yeah….i am glad the war ended but still this day ended something terrible and replaced it by a much more dangerous war.
    I sound so extremly depressive and pessimistic sorry…

    Crazy Pirate
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    On the contrary, this day deserves to be celebrated; although many Germans lost their laves, countless others were saved, and, as the name suggests, their was victory, and indeed, peace, in Europe. While he cold war was important, the sheer scale of the the second world war was far more important in shaping the modern world (at least in Europe, anyway). WWII gave birth to many things that are key today; human rights, the UN, a united Europe, to name just a few.

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    We should remember the day for the sake of all the soldiers that gave their lives to fight for their countries.

    This post reminded me of a book where the soldiers were criticising that they fought the wars while the politicians sat back and did s***

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    Alex Lazescu
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    Let us not forget that the Nazi’s had to conquer their own country first. The Nazi’s made everyone suffer, the German people among them. How many of those people do you believe WANTED to do the things that where done? Fear is a powerful thing, as we have seen. Let us not forget the men, women, and children who died fighting an evil, in order to liberate the world from this evil, in order for millions of unborn men, women, and children, to live.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    I know you’ll probably all go really Palmerageddon but you said 5 years the war went for it was actually 6 years (unless you were counting the years against the Nazis and not the entire war as the 6th year is the war of the Pacific against Japan) but seeing the posts some people made about the war, the Nazis used terror and propaganda to spread and encourage Nazism, Racial views and much more.

    Also the fact this is also a way of brain washing, they taught these things to kids at schools!

    It may seem that a lot of people blame Germany for it but I watched a video talking to Jewish Refugees and Holocaust victims and they infact say they blame the adults in those days not taking a stand and turning around and say no this is not right but because of brain washing and their kindred thinking in these new ways it would be hard to say no but yes it isn’t Germany it was the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) which should be blamed and none of the current or future (depending what happens in the future) Germans or anyone for it.

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