Vanilla shops instead of trade signs

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  • #3411
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    Wouldnt it be better and more fun if we would have vanilla shops made out of redstone than these trade signs?

    Crazy Pirate
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    Doctor concludes the patient is suffering from MumboJumbo-itis, a disease closely linked to the wildly spreading Redstonaia, which affects reason, judgement, common sense. People suffering from Redstonaia seem to believe that they are better than all others, at placing a powdery substance on the floor. Doctors opinion: the subject should be killed, to prevent further spread of the disease. 🙂

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    Lol xD

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    I don’t agree with Mark but i do think that the current trade signs are really confusing… there is anpt/er plugin with trade signs that specify to the player if it is buy or sell. This would solve the problem of separating trade areas…


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    I disagree, the current trade signs work fine and are compleyely not confusing,


    the first line is the cost

    the secondline is the item you get



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    Im with @CrazyPirate1 on this one.

    Voting closed!

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