Hello everyone, I just did some updates and permission changes.
- Updated to Spigot 1.8.6
- Updated 6 plugins that needed updating (No new features)
- Removed Map Chat for everyone apart from staff, An update somewhere along the line broke banned players being banned from the map, and everyone is sick to death of people abusing the chat in the map to bypass mutes, spam links etc, since its so much of a problem I have removed it for everyone.
- Removed AFK Kick Exempt permission from donators, I initially gave out kick-exempt when we were a tiny tiny server, this allows for people to not be kicked, it was never intended for people to stay online to keep their farms active & gain playtime, This has been thoroughly abused in the last few weeks, people constantly AFK’ing their farms to get richer and stronger, gain playtime, so I have had to remove it.
- Removed Claims on map & Removed WorldGuard regions from map, until next time its needed for a clean up.
Since I have removed a permission from donators I will replace it with another small incentive, Im considering adding an extra few claimblocks be added to your accounts each month to replace this, I should hopefully get this added today.