Updated spigot 1.8, Changed server icon

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates Updated spigot 1.8, Changed server icon

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  • #30417
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    • Updated Java
    • Updated Spigot to 1.8 again, I had to recompile the Jar as I had a wonky version running that I compiled with OpenJVM instead of the oracle java we run. This Fixed the cannon at the cove, so i’m hoping it’ll fix any other oddities we have been seeing. This was a silly mistake I didn’t think about, we live and learn.
    • I created a new server icon, Im not sure if I like it or not? please give me feedback.
    • Updated our admin tools to regen land, hopefully it should work better
    • Updated /MOTD to be a little more upto date
    • Re-worded the whitelist message to point to the right forum link
    • Most Voting links work again, bar 2 that I cant access now.

    Testing for 1.9 continues, please be patient 🙂

    Server-icon Progression:

    1. Original server-icon we have had for years and years.
    2. Temporary server-icon I used to test Bungee-cord server.
    3. Current Server-icon I made today, Not sure If I like it.


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    I think the new logo is a bit too bright, kinda has a early-development-of-cgi-look, also may give a false first impression of the server, may think we’re disney pirates, but in terms of the logo itself you did a good job, I don’t know what exactly you used to make it but if you can edit everything on it I’d suggest adding more ruffles to the sails.

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Thanks again for the updates !!

    On the server icons, I’d vote in the order that they are;
    #1 rusty, dark looking pirate ship with nice shading in the background, just like mc worlds are. ( Shows right away that we have ships !)
    #2 higher-pixel, scary looking pirate head. It certainly looks really cool and grabs once attention.
    #3 Sorry, but that looks like a icon from an iPhone pirate game. ( Too much rendered, no mc blocks can be seen.)


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    Yeah I fully agree it looks like a shitty iphone game icon. We cant be having that!

    I think I might put a simple black border on the old icon thats 3 years old, and roll with that again.

    Anyone else have any ideas?

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    I like the pirate head personally. You could make a competition to find the best icon!

    For the lolz I’d present this one, just wait for waves of players asking why the can’t access the server with their cracked Minecraft account… 😉

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    That looks awesome Paul I wish that could be the server Icon

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    I like the idea of a contest.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

    Crazy Pirate
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    I like our website logo, the black pirate head on a white background 😛

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    I like our website logo, the black pirate head on a white background ?

    I made that ;p I have it as a Vector so it can be made any size, issue is I had massive trouble trying to make it look good on a 64×64 PNG, I just couldnt make it look good 🙁

    If anyone wants I can share the image.

    Also, I found some other “pirate minecraft server” using that exact image on their server! I made that damn logo!

    Crazy Pirate
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    I like our website logo, the black pirate head on a white background ?

    I made that ;p I have it as a Vector so it can be made any size, issue is I had massive trouble trying to make it look good on a 64×64 PNG, I just couldnt make it look good :( If anyone wants I can share the image. Also, I found some other “pirate minecraft server” using that exact image on their server! I made that damn logo!

    I always wished that the image would be made in game, and a map would be made of it, thus creating the image 😛 It would be cool to see it placed on official buildings, BOTM/Y, and other cool stuff 🙂 Like a seal of approval!

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    I like our website logo, the black pirate head on a white background ?

    I made that ;p I have it as a Vector so it can be made any size, issue is I had massive trouble trying to make it look good on a 64×64 PNG, I just couldnt make it look good :( If anyone wants I can share the image. Also, I found some other “pirate minecraft server” using that exact image on their server! I made that damn logo!

    I always wished that the image would be made in game, and a map would be made of it, thus creating the image ? It would be cool to see it placed on official buildings, BOTM/Y, and other cool stuff :) Like a seal of approval!


    You mean, like we have here in gold? http://mc.piratemc.com:8123/?worldname=PirateCraft_1&mapname=surface&zoom=7&x=-2159&y=64&z=658

    Me and reaper made the schematic of it years ago 🙂 I can paste it in anywhere it can be used as a template!

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    Can I just make one anyway? It’s been a while since I’ve let my funky flow go xD


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    well, ummm, I kinda had to ummm… I’m not funky…

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    Crazy Pirate
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    That, is sorta what I mean, so you’d have a map with the picture of the logo on it, so you could mount it on official builds and what not. 😛

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    That, is sorta what I mean, so you’d have a map with the picture of the logo on it, so you could mount it on official builds and what not. ?

    We made a version thats flat on the floor too, but we couldn’t find a use for it.


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