Updated donate page on the website

Home Forums PirateCraft Website Updated donate page on the website

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    I noticed I never had the in-game money or buy a staff member a beer on the donate page, so I thought I would add them, 4 hours later and Ive tidied it all up a bit, removed old information, added new sections changed colors, added animations.

    If there’s anything still left that’s outdated wrong or missing please tell me.

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    I like the new Scroll- Appear ( live) Designs Godsy ^.^

    Just one thing I mean not to mention any other servers but I have been scouting different server webpages sure they are not good as piratecraft but they have a decent amount of in game money for 20 dollars like (unnamed server) has 5k for 10 dollars and 10k for 20 dollars. Just saying this might boost in game money sales.

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