Unmute Request – Clxpt

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  • #82837
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    Current Username: Clxpt
    Username when banned: BigCripZhaph
    UUID: 7ba85bfb-67fe-4138-b90f-a52d7e5b56ac
    Your punishment tracker link: https://piratemc.com/punishments/?swcfpc=1
    Banned By: Caldera23

    Unmute Appeal
    Hey, it’s me again. Before you automatically deny this, can you at least read what I have to say? I was talking to Lazydog13 about my mute and I asked if she thought it was time I try again to appeal my mute. She said that I should make a appeal for it, so here I am. I am going to be straight forward here and not even try to lie about anything. I genuinely don’t even remember what I was muted for, but it was probably something I said that was most likely rude as I would assume. I have talked to friends of the player that I insulted and tried to get them to tell him that I am sorry for what I have said, but I do not know for sure if they told him or not. I genuinely do not even want to cause trouble or havoc anymore I just want to talk to people and keep working on my shop. I want to be a part of the community again, and I am asking for maybe another chance at doing so. Thank you for your consideration.


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    sorry about the @de idk why it has that in it


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    Ahoy Clxpt

    Sorry for the late responds

    You were muted by caldera23 on admin decision. The reasoning being your genreal toxic, none PG & insutling chat behaviour. This is not a stand alone case, this is taking your chat behaviour as a whole into account. Due to that i am gona deny your request. You can appeal it 6 months after your mute was issued. (7th May 2023)


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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