unmute me

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  • #76506
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    Current Username: swordgostab123
    Username when banned: 0zul i think idk
    UUID:dunno wat this is
    Your punishment tracker link: i was annoying to tauly boy
    Banned By: tauly uwu


    godsdead promised me an unmute it i pay pala 2k but nope im poor af . just unmute me cuz like, i want to talk and lazy is getting annoyed of my wining and sees me as an annoying little ant 🙂

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    If you ever want to be unmuted i suggest you back away that tone, and fill out the form right. Futhermore if we look at your punishment tracker you have 31 mutes in this year alone. you where also muted on the 31 of august, you will need to wait atleast 6 months before appealing a perm mute. I also suggest you stop spamming muted chat, because that is not helping your case at all.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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