Unclaim Request

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  • #76658
    • Topics: 34
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 36
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    My Username: <Darkmatter51>
    Coordinates: <-408, 65, 809>
    Claim owner: <dark_squid_1234>
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: <1 month 6 days 6 hours>
    Claim Size: <11 x 11 = 121>
    Reason: < The claim was built too close to my claim, and blocks my expansion. The claim is also very small, and the owner has been offline.>

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 678
    • Total: 689
    • ★★★★★★

    this one i cant take a way players stil plays you need to contact the player your self about this claim


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