Unban request (Samreds)

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  • #70066
    John doe
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    Current Username: Samreds
    Username when banned: Samreds
    UUID: UUID 0d6bb8a2-9932-4de4-a29b-789ea41bc036
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console CreatingWithKass/ Lazydog11

    Unban Appeal

    I was falsely banned, first off, I got banned for saying fullbright, which is supported by my computer, second, I was jailed because the “higher ups”, third I was muted as soon as i got unjailed and rejailed almost immediatly, 4th Staff couldnt take a joke.
    This is a real fun server if you guys unban me I will buy ranks and doubloons trust me I am rich just check my skyblock I bought every rank I really dont want to get unbanned unfairly due to staff. Then you guys violated my freedom of speech, my privacy by making me send a screenshot of my f3, making me get a discord, and thats about it. This was super unfair and what started this is when I said future client which I do not own as it is paid. I do use forge, but only have optifine and mousetweaks, which makes crafting slightly easier,  nothing I have installed  is used as a hack. This is super unfair
    Edit: I was talking to creating with kass about plugins and alts, but I do not own them.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 147
    • Total: 154
    • ★★★★

    Hi there

    Short answer: No. Denied. You wasted staff time and the tone of this appeal is outright entitled.

    You logged during an F3, had forge in your f3, admitted to using fullbright – all things that break the rules of the server. Kass moderated well, and fairly according to our rules 🙂

    As a side note – attempting to bribe staff or explain how rich you are does not help in your appeal process.

    Thanks – Atalantaa

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