Unban Request/Clarification

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  • #59447
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    Current Username: P1ndr0p
    Username when banned: P1ndr0p
    UUID: UUID 3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=p1ndr0p&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: Smokeyriver

    Unban Appeal

    Hi there all,

    (Forewarning I tried posting this once and it didn’t seem to work)

    I was just wondering if I could get some clarification on my ban. I understand what I did and why I was given a punishment, however I am unsure of why it has continued to be increased. After the incident I was immediately warned by three different staff members for my actions. I was then banned and understood that after a discussion  my punishment may have been reasonably changed to a more severe one which I get. However I would like some clarification as to why my ban was extended from the initial week or so that I was banned for to a three month ban instead. I have already tried asking in a more private setting so as to not call attention to anything but was ignored. If I could have this explained to me it would be appreciated, i don’t like having the punishment continue to grow without any sort of stated reasoning.

    Thank you all for your time.


    Carson a.k.a P1ndr0p

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    Its written on your punishment page and every time you log in as an extension.

    added it, she will be the one you need to solve it with.

    I replied to this thread this morning without knowing anything about what you did/staffs reactions to your behaviour, so this is edited.

    • Do not use peoples private information to try and intimidate and bully players, this is a crime called “Stalking”, this is why you were warned and temp banned originally.
    • Do not try and create drama/trigger staff by creating “confusion” from forum threads in an attempt to get other people involved.
      Its a temp ban, you ride it out, its that simple, I have had messages sent from your crew to all staff looking for a bypass to your tempban.
    • You have not taken ANY responsibility in your actions or even any remorse for them, you have just argued that they were not deserved for your stalking behaviour.
    • A temp ban is a temp ban, its just that you wait it out. you do not message every staff about it and get your entire crew involved creating drama in the process.
    • Your “extension” wasn’t discussed with staff chat and must have been a miss-communication.
    • Stalking a person is a legitimate crime, I did a quick google and it gave me this: https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/stalking-and-harassment
      Definition of stalking:

      Stalking behaviors are interrelated to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. The term stalking is used with some differing definitions in psychiatry and psychology, as well as in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense.


    Since you have now decided to get your entire crew involved in your stalking/bypassing your punishments with no remorse or even an apology, we will have to escalate your behaviour and now will be talking out the issues you have caused from your actions.



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