Unban Request

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  • #78897
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    Current Username: 5Point
    Username when banned: Enderfied_
    UUID: UUID 65de75b4-6f09-4ca5-beed-87ffbcd87e90
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=5point&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: Xeron

    Unban Appeal

    Hey mod team, it’s been a while – Five years, in fact. Back in 2017, I was banned for using X-Ray. Immediately afterward, in my childish and vain attempt at an unban, I tried to make a fake video of when I got banned (which was obviously a rejected appeal). A few days afterward, I hopped on an alt, and got it banned too. I have no excuse for any of these things, and these bans were entirely deserved, though I still remember having a lot of fun on this server, and I think about it often. Today I thought, “Hey, it’s been five years, maybe I should try to make a ban appeal, surely five years is a sufficient consequence for X-Raying and ban evading.” So, here I am. I understand if you guys make the decision to maintain enforcement of my punishment, and I’d like to thank you for your time regardless.

    • Topics: 68
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    You have been unbanned, remeber to read the rules upon your retrun, and welcome back.


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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