Unban Request

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    Current Username: Stewie0404
    Username when banned: Stewie0404
    UUID: 611cb9f8-b25d-48c4-b4f3-84611e28038d
    Your punishment tracker link: Ban Management by Frostcast (piratemc.com)
    Banned By: Survival (GodsDead)

    It has been 5 months and 23 days since my Permaban, a little over 7-8 months since I have last been on the server, 7 months since I was on the servers Discord server and 2 months since I have last spoken to anyone from PirateCraft. I have seen that many of the people who made me leave the server are banned, both by Discord and on this server. Seeing this, along with wanting to see how things have changed, has made me come back here to ask for a unban. I know my actions on the server were more annoying than almost anything staff had seen before, I admit my faults. I hold no grudges against staff or anyone else for the punishments I have received as consequence for my actions, I simply want to come back. While I have been gone much change has happened in my own life, and now I think its time to show you how I have changed and to see how the server has changed. I don’t expect this to be accepted with flying colors, I just want people to look.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    Merry Christmas! If you get unbanned I want what you owe me

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    LMAO Stewie coming back???? Well let’s hope he’s changed for the better ahahahaha. Mindmeld u owe me 2k


    I wanted to have a signature so I set it to this.

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    If stewie comes back I go raid him,

    Mindmeld u owe me a light bane.


    Best pvper ww

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    Hello there, Stewie. Similarly to how you have responded to the unban appeals of people you didn’t like, I will respond to yours:

    It seems that, during your time on PirateCraft, you have amassed 4 bans (3 of which were permanent), as well as 8 mutes. However, those are just the punishments you’ve received from staff. How the community views you is a different story entirely. For quite some time, most of the players on the server seemed to have a disliking of you. You were kicked from multiple different crews, caused negative drama within the community, and acted as if you were some sort of staff. We even coined a term that we use to describe players like you (we call them a “stewie”).

    Maybe you have changed, maybe you have not. But that is not for me to decide. If you are to get unbanned, I would recommend a temp ban from the discord so we may see how you act on the server before letting you back into the community.

    Good luck,


    ~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~

    - Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
    - Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
    - Former member of Titan's Hand -

    "Nobody can touch my swag"

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    Yes, Stewart comes back, and everyone has another server raid in him xD

    Proud Member of BE
    Marine of BE
    Former FS and MoR

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    Closed to new replies until a decision is made

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    Hi there Stewie!

    Staff have decided that you will be unbanned. Welcome back to PirateCraft 🙂

    To be clear: One slip up and you will be banned again. Do not argue about the rules, treat everyone with respect and you’ll get along fine.

    Thank you for appealing

    – Atalantaa

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