Unban request

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  • #65268
    • Topics: 31
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 35
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    Current Username: Koruptkingice
    Username when banned: Koruptkingice
    UUID: UUID 2d088bd0-deb9-4b7c-84b7-57dda770cdd8
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Talouv

    Unban Appeal: I understand that the words I used were not appropriate and I agree that I was in the wrong. I know my language was not appropriate at the time 0r almost ever and should have been stopped immediately which I failed to do. I was sent to the locker and still continued. I now understand that what I did was wrong and you were right to punish me for my actions. Thank you for reading this and have a great day.

    Sincerely, Koruptkingice

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