Unban for me

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Should I get unbanned

  • Yes 66.67% 2 votes
  • No 33.33% 1 vote
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  • #77447
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    Current Username: usernme iOdiwanKenobi
    Username when banned: iOdiwanKenobi
    UUID: UUID (You can get it from https://mcuuid.net/?q=username)
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/iOdiwanKenobi
    Banned By: Smoky river

    Unban Appeal

    i got banned like 3 years ago for being an idiot on the server. I’ve grown up and am no longer an idiot. This ban appeal is going to be pretty small because I don’t remember anything specific on why I was banned but I’d really appreciate being unbanned. I won’t be on here much I just wanted to check it out now after all these years.

    if I can’t get unbanned I actually appreciate and understand it I was such a loser on here but it’s aight

    All love PC community


    • Topics: 25
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    +1 Based off of your punishment tracker and past you have made a few mistakes. What I’ve learned from being banned is that people make stupid mistakes. The fact that you waited 3 years shows that you matured and have more than likely changed.

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    I like how you specifically avoided posting your punishment tracker.

    1. Denied just because you made a community poll, this is a staff decision not a community one.
    2. Denied for your history, of second chances.
      1. 10 previous “second chances” from previous bans, you shouldn’t have been let back at all.
      2. 21 chances to chance how you behave in chat
      3. 4 warnings, including racist comments.


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