Unban appeal MoJake23

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    Current Username: MoJake23
    Username when banned: MoJake_69_420
    UUID: UUID:4cdb7765-1c47-4fd0-a7fd-3865f6d68e6f
    Your punishment tracker link: idk
    Banned By: Taulov

    Hello, I am writting this because I would like to be unbanned. I kind of went crazy for a week and I understand why I was banned, I was not being very nice and said a lot of mean things. I truly believe that I have changed my ways since then and would like to come back to piratecraft. Thank you 🙂

    Pls unban me

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    Let the kid back. I think he’s learned his lesson. As one of the people who got him banned I do want to say to staff that mojake, has shown great devotion to this server, and as long as he remains as mature as he has been you should allow him to join the ranks of PMC community once again.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    No, we dont want you back. We wish you good luck on finding a new server to be part of.



    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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