Unban Appeal for Pala, yes he wrote it himself.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Unban Appeal for Pala, yes he wrote it himself.

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  • #76493
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    Current Username: Palapourheal
    Username when banned: Palapourheal
    UUID: UUID e583e2a0-13f7-4cfd-b895-1d7a50f088cd
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Palapourheal&server=0
    Banned By: EisenGraf

    Unban Appeal: So Pala was banned from the forums so he made this poem in order to possibly get a chance to be unbanned. Here is the poem: Im just a man with dreams,

    Tempted of unjustice by the darkest realms, Then I realised my mistake, And now my dreams are at stake I pleaded for forgiveness, I was noticed but they never cared less, This is the result of my ignorance, One mistake crumbles everything at once And all i ever wanted, As I patiently waited, For my Ban to be “lifted”


    Note: He asked me to make this, I did not write or make any of this.

    • Topics: 9
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    • Total: 18

    Excellent wordplay. 10/10 poetry. Free Pala

    King of Silent Hill
    Keeper of the Dungeon
    Purveyor of Silence
    Protector of Vána Selanda

    not saying
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    nice poem

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    Hello Pala,

    Due to the number of previous chances you have received, and the circumstances surrounding this ban, you will need to wait out the remaining 6 weeks.



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