Unban Appeal + Apology

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  • #82771
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    Current Username: fishiues
    UUID: edc4f0af-3b63-491b-9980-2bcb1af963c1
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?player=fishiues&server=0&action=searchplayer
    Banned By: AeOn

    Unban Appeal + Apology

    Good evening,

    I am writing this appeal mostly just as an apology. On the ninth of march I was banned from the server for 2 weeks. The reason for this ban was that I said something extremely rude to a friend of mine on the server. He said a joke in chat, and I responded with “kill yourself”. I now realize that not only was this not the right way to talk to somebody, but that the rest of the server was also watching. I am sorry for saying such rude things to other players, and will refrain from using such language in the future.

    Very respectfully,


    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 19


    Thank you for your apology, I hope that in the future you will remember to think before speaking. I am reducing your ban by 5 days, meaning you will have one week of it left. I look forward to seeing you on the server again under better circumstances.


    -May the winds be at your back

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