Unban Appeal

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  • #80712
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    Current Username: Amin_H_Nasser
    Username when banned: Amin_H_Nasser
    UUID: UUID (ec2f23b1-75ab-490e-b372-8b0e0deb1c01)
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=Amin_H_Nasser&server=0
    Banned By: GodsDead

    Okay so yesterday I recruited a new player to my crew and he expressed an interest in learning PvP. I made a lapse in judgement and decided to send him an IP for a PvP practice server in our crew chat so he could improve his skills. Initially, I planned to do this over Discord pms, but I found out he did not have an account. Since he was the only player online in my crew at the time, It did not occur to me that sending the IP over crew chat would constitute advertising, since it would have the same effect as sending it in Discord pms. Unfortunately, by the time I saw a warning from staff I was already banned.

    I realize that sending the IP was a poor decision and understand that the server has strict rules about advertising, so I apologize. I’ve been careful to follow the advertising rule for years prior, and I will make sure not to break it again.

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    thank you for your respond bomniks, you where not online when this all happend and it has totaly nothing to do with the crew SHWD so next time get your facts straight before responding, thanks!

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    thank you for making the unban apeal Amin_H_Nasser, we changed into a temp ban,  make sure to not mention other server names ingame even if its just to go to practice pvp, see you back in 2 days then

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