Unban Appeal

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    Current Username: EspulFanboy1
    Username when banned: EspulFanboy1mc
    UUID: UUID e8fa3a7d-ba9b-42cd-a48e-ecd1501b8fa8
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=EspulFanboy1&server=0 (isnt updated yet)
    Banned By: EisenGraf

    Unban Appeal

    Alright look, I was taking a very quick bathroom break from grinding the events and I come back to a ban screen. Eisen banned me for 3 days for racism which in my opinion was a faulty reason. So yesterday night, I typed /warp nword and I got muted from the autobot for a day. That was fine and the situation was resolved. So when I log back on after taking a short bathroom break, I see myself being banned by Eisen for racism. The case was already resolved and no further punishment should have been done. I get that every punishment is a staff vote and all but in my opinion, this should not have happened. This should have been a jail, locker, or a warn. Not fully blown 3 day ban. I do not want to cause drama nor cause an argument but I would like to state my opinion.


    Thank you


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    i love you and all devvy and someone correct me if i’m wrong but don’t appeal on a ban that’s less then a week. you said n word on pmc which you should’ve not said, and honestly it’s 3 days and just take a short break and reflect on your actions. don’t fall into the same hole i did, good luck man.

    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    This is not your first time using the n-word on the server. Hence why it was made into a 3 day ban. I suggest you do as khanye said and reflect over your behavior on the server.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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