Unban Appeal

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    Current Username: Olpx
    Username when banned: Olpx
    UUID: cda5aa42-fb93-4e06-a5a8-13a832e4969f
    Your punishment tracker link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=olpx&server=0
    Banned By: EisenGraf

    Unban Appeal

    I was recently banned a month ago for having an X-ray pack in my Folder while being F3’d  for Irons CIT pack while I was banned I insulted  a few staff in discord and I want to apologize for my actions as they were doing their job and I was just angry because I enjoy the server and as a new player I didn’t know all the rules since I had only been playing for about a week I was F3’d for what I think were pvp hacks  I’m trying to get my ban reduced since I really do enjoy playing on the server and this was my first offense as I am new to the server. Also yet again I am very sorry to anyone I offended as I was frustrated in the moment  if you can reconsider my punishment I would Greatly appreciate it. Thank you for reading and have a good day.




    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 10

    Hi Olpx,

    Seeing as this was your first x-ray-related incident and first major punishment, we have decided to consider the 20 days for which you have been banned as the punishment served. Thanks for the appeal and welcome back to the server.


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