Unban and Ban for someone.

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    Hello my name is Skayu and I’ve been just banned for Rude Signs and Rude Building but I’ve done it because players : NippleTree , EnVyAngelo build claims around my claims and filled them with lava so I cannot remove it.

    Then they were insulting me.

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    Errr.. Not to pick sides but how does this get you banned? Like I see them causing some of the issues but let’s wait for a mod or admin or owner to come on and tell us what happend


    you sound like your telling the truth since you got your screenshots and stuff

    Crazy Pirate
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    Right, im gonna make a report here; FTB_player123

    Story is as follows.

    Whenever I say something, he claims its against the rules. This gets really annoying. For example, I ask someone to vote for my BOTY for a reward. He tells me its against the rules, and to shut the f*** up, and spends the next ten minutes telling me how stupid I am. I don’t take screenshots, bearing in mind this was the first time (bout a week ago).

    Then, tonight, I ask chailey to place a livemap icon for me. He claims its against the rules. I ask ma_c_hi this, and he says to the best of his knowledge, it isn’t. So 123 gets in a sulk, and tells me I shouldn’t be acting so inappropriately. So I send him a message asking what did I do to upset him?

    He responds, asking, why do you think that? So I say, its the way you act, to which he replys, well, you can see the screenshot. He then says, out of screenshot, that I’m on his f***ing kill list, and then repeatedly asks me “do you want to die” when I try to calm him down.

    I don’t expect this, especially when I’m simply playing a game. He didn’t need to be rude, he doesn’t need to find fault with what I do. I didn’t bother creating a new forums for this, because I think its a waste of forum space, but I hope someone sees it. @markusi13 @iamthereaper89

    Thanks for reading it.

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    @Skayu You did not report these, you were reported.

    I checked out the island you grifed it was full of signs with Foul language, and Penis shaped builds, This is just rude.

    You Ban is temporary.


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    @GodsDead Isn’t it rude when someone build claims by your claims and fill them with lava so you can’t remove it ? They can remove those signs and penis builds I can’t remove theirs claims.


    Will they get a ban for griefing and insulting me ?


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    LOL now taking time in MINECRAFT to build a penis… Should be ashamed of yourself LOL that just funny and when I saw what gods wrote made me laugh

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    @Aroura I made them because I wanted some revange but they can destroy those penises but I cant destroy thier claim filled with lava…

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    Actually sense does claims have nothinh in them you could have reported it and gods would have deleted the claim


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    @Dr.solid People learn on mistakes : ) But was it necessary that I’ve got a ban for 4 days for some dirt blocks and signs…

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    Fair point @Skayu, You have had a days ban, so I will unban you now, If you have a report, create a new ticket.


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