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    hello, my name is quinlink and i was recently banned for “bullying people” and i honestly dont know who i bullied however i do admit to siegeing the shop however there is a story behind this let me start when i got on two days previous when i was working on my house with Maxxyd12 and Mhaat when we got sieged by tim pegeler and his crew after they repetedly did this i decided to log off the next day i joined again and my friends Maxxyd12 and Mhaat invited my to their new base and later tim got on and said they were comeing after us and seiged us once they got there they invited me to there crew and i told maxxyd12 that i was going to “join” them but in reality i was going to get our stuff back and to gain their trust i had to help them build their ship and make their base and when tim decided to siege the shop of wobworld the sage {the leader of the crew} yelled at me over skype to go help them so i did what i naturaly had to do to gain their trust i went to the top of the shop and sieged it with no intention of stealing all i did was break some glass{which i made more of and gave to the shop owner } and ran away telling them someone chased me away then i was going to strike the next day and get my items back from tim and then i went to log on and i found out that i was banned the day before i gave ma_ch_hi the head of precedingzombie {one of tims crew} and told him i was not a member of their crew and made amens to wogworld and told them both that if they have any say in it to keep my head on the wall of most hated in order to decive tim and get our stuff back if you need to you can contact maxxyd12 in order to confirm the story or you can message ma_ch_hi or wogworld

    so thats my story and i hope that i can go back and join maxxyd12 and Mhaat  because each time i talk to them over skype they yell at me to try and get unbanned so this is my effort

    thank you for reading my story

    The Queen
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    sounds like bobospy5 all over again.. but I have no call here that’s up to the admins 😛 tho putting a shop under attack could get people mad 😛


    c ya

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    It would be easier to tell what happened if you used periods, or commas, or paragraphs.

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    Well i can agree with the part that timpeagler and his crew are….at least extremly mean.
    What i know about the is: I gave tim a shelter in my village.
    He seemed to be a ordinary villager but later i found out that he stole my beer and robbed everything i possesed before he tried to make it look like precedingzombie atacked me to get my trust.

    That’s what i know about them and if you had to deal with them i hope that you get unbanned soon.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I could understand it better if you used something that the English language requires very dearly to make sense; grammar. Full stops, commas, apostrophes, capital letters, speech marks, etc. However, Timpealger (or however you spell it) is a nasty piece of work. I can understand why you would want to get in with him to steal back your stuff, although I can’t help but wonder that if you’d just stayed at home, you could have made it all back.

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    Punctuation added to aid understanding.

    Hello, my name is quinlink and I was recently banned for “bullying people”, though I honestly don’t know who I bullied. However, I do admit to sieging the shop. There is a story behind this: Let me begin…

    I was online two days previously and working on my house with Maxxyd12 and Mhaat when we got sieged by timpeagler and his crew. After they repeatedly did this, I decided to log off. The next day I joined again and my friends, Maxxyd12 and Mhaat, invited my to their new base. Later Tim got on and said they were coming after us… And sieged us once they got there. Afterwards they invited me into their crew and I told maxxyd12 that I was going to “join” them (but in reality I was going to get our stuff back).

    To gain their trust I had to help them build their ship and make their base. When Tim decided to siege Wogworld’s shop, the Sage (the leader of the crew) yelled at me over skype to go help them, so I did what I naturally had to do to gain their trust. I went to the top of the shop and sieged it with no intention of stealing, all I did was break some glass (which I made more of and gave to the shop owner) before running away and telling them someone was chasing me away.

    I was then going to strike the next day and get my items back from Tim. When I went to log on, I found out that I was banned. The day before I had given Ma_c_hi the head of precedingzombie (one of Tim’s crew) and told him I was not a real member. I made amens to Wogworld and told them both to keep my head on their walls in order to deceive Tim and get our stuff back. If you need to, you can contact maxxyd12 in order to confirm the story or you can message Ma_c_hi or Wogworld.

    So that’s my story and I hope that I can go back and join maxxyd12 and Mhaat, because each time I talk to them over Skype they yell at me to try and get unbanned! This is my best effort.

    Thank you for reading my story.

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    Post deleted by myself.

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    @PaulOnFire 10 Points. There is no way I was reading that giant wall of text as it was.

    This is in relation to the 17th Feb. Bans Link.

    It does not look like you killed many players, as they are listed on the Web Stats UI I made.


    I really like Wog, and hes left due to people being bang out of order attacking his shop, so I have a bias opinion to keep you banned if you are part of the reason Wog Left.

    It is up to the moderator, I have no role in this. @Markusi13

    The Queen
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    lol! grammer attack 😀


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Yea he left because of players like dorkito cabriel and 3kaj who attackt the shops
    He had inove and left the server.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Dr solid nice try. I have a shop at trade and I didn’t attack Woggy!


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    yea we can totally trust you XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Thats the golden question. Were you part of the reason why wog left?

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    @superGl Well it was because off player’s attacking his shops and other’s (I also think the lag at warp trade got to his head)

    But there can be a more personal reason and he took this as an excuse


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I wish a savage would attack me at shop I’ll light me up!



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