Unable to Join / Lag ?

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  • #78419
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    Hey, came home today after having an amazing time on last night with great rendering & really no lag personally… but my attempts today, over the span of a straight 30 minutes of trying, were completely unsucessful. I am not sure if I am the only person suffering from this.

    When loading in I do not even load my inventory, but sit there for about 2 minutes then disconnect. Repeat! Also saw livemap doesn’t work.

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    Have you tried again? It’s basically alpha testing when it’s at scale, performance things are being changed as issues are found.

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    After a long hour of trying I used direct connect and reinstalled launcher and after a few tries finally got in. Not sure if it is because of the steps I took or just timing.

    Heather Rivera
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    I eventually succeeded after a long hour of trying when I utilized direct connect and reinstalled launcher. I’m not sure if it was the time or the steps I took. Eggy Car

    Dyer Rebecca
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    i think it lag retro bowl


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