Treasure Goblin Didn't Drop Anything

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    Nitro and I where messing around in my theater in my city when I noticed in the wall near my theater was a treasure goblin.  We where able to corner it and kill it with tnt, a gbow, and a gsword.  However when it died it did not drop anything.  From what I’ve read and heard on it, the treasure goblin should drop stuff when killed.  What I’m asking is if its possible if Nitro and I could get the loot from the treasure goblin since it didn’t drop anything.


    PS: Screenshots are attached for proof.  The first screenshot being where Nitro and I where able to corner it and kill it.  And the second screenshot being where Nitro and I looked for any loot but couldn’t find any.


    PSS: This is the second time I made this new forum topic for bugs & glitches because it randomly deleted my other one, so it may be the bugs & glitches forum section is glitching haha.

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    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    Treasure goblins only have their ‘special effects’ when they spawn in, and until the next server restart. If a goblin is not killed within this time, it loses its special abilities and just becomes a regular mob with a lot of health (that’s a parameter it was spawned with, so it keeps that).

    Just like all named mobs, it will therefore not despawn, and instead stay where it is until it is killed. This ‘fake’ treasure goblin is unaffected by elite mob weapons, and will not use its special attacks. When killed; no message will pop up that one has been slain, and no special loot will be dropped.

    If you go to /warp shop1 or 2, look down under the path – you’ll see a bunch of name tags of treasure goblins, but they’re all fakes.

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    I will still report this to the developer, but there isn’t anything to worry about with it, max covered it!

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