Treasure Goblin Did Not Drop Anything

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  • #60402
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    Nitro and I where messing around in my theater in my city when I noticed in the walls next to the theater was a Treasure Goblin.  We where able to keep it in the wall, and then attack it with TNT, a GSword, and a GBow, eventually killing it.  However, when it died, it did not drop anything…which shouldn’t be the case as I’ve heard people killing them before and getting lots of loot.

    Since it seems from what I’ve read the Treasure Goblin should drop loot when killed, I would like if Nitro and I could get the loot from Treasure Goblins.  Thank You.


    PS: Screenshots are attached for proof.  The first was when we where able to corner it and then attack it with our weapons, and then the second was when we where looking around but couldn’t find any loot from it.

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    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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