[Town/Shop] Declaration of membership

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Merchant Guild of the Pirate Federation [Town/Shop] Declaration of membership

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  • #11557
    • Topics: 19
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    List of Towns/Shops members of the Merchant Guild:
    – Wolfshire (Town, Ma_c_hi, /warp wolf)

    Declaration of membership
    Any town/shop can declare here its choice to follow and enforce the decisions of the Merchant Guild.
    Non easily accessible shops or tiny shops can’t take part in vote but can still be involved in debates and KOS list updates.
    Those decisions will be taken after a public vote of the members of the Guild and will, initially, only be the application of a common Kill on Sight list across the PirateCraft World.
    Any declaration must provide a responsible person identity. That person will be the only one accepted to take part in public votes.

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