to reptaria and all whom it may apply

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    I must say I am VERY disappointed in the piratecraft community this night, not at reptaria, or the admins after, understandably, the chat blew up my comments in a sexual manner, and i tried to explain the lewd side of the topic i was trying to discuss, before Reptaria thought i had meant that “lewd” side, but at those who took my comments in a derogitory manner, and blew my words out of proportion.

    Earlier this night, I had made a casual comment, in response to someone saying Reptaria had “floppy ears” at which point, i asked, in a joking manner, if she was now a furry, she logged off, and presumably she did not know what this meant, and, presumably, later, looked it up.

    Now, for those who know what a “furry” is, you most likely know that there are two sides to it: a cartoonist, animator, and artistic side (see attached files), and a lewd and grotesque side, reptaria had assumed i had meant this grotesque side of this fan base, when i had actually meant what this fan base was originally set up to be about: animals with human features, examples being mickey mouse, donald duck, and jerry the mouse. However, Reptaria, because of what it was blown up to be, would not listen to my remarks trying to calm her down and explain my position, and wityh admins presumably watching me I did not want to get into more trouble than I already was.

    In short, dont make assumptions, and do not blow things out of proportion, people.

    Also, please note none of the attached artwork is mine, it was found using the website Pinterest.

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    The Queen
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    lol it’s fine. Just don’t worry about it. I was literally salty for 3 minutes then just forgot about it haha!

    No worries tho

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    God… furries are weird.

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    Wadsworth, hate to be the one to say it, but I think you blew the situation out of proportion by making a forum post :/

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    @nickmatttombros, well let’s imagine this, Nicky, an admin, one of your friends, and possibly an entire part of the server is upset with you, you’re responsible for starting a joke that could be considered, by the admins, as sexual harassment, and to top it all off if you try to explain yourself you’re worried you will get muted/temp banned, and you want to make amends for all of these things but none of the above would likely let you speak, what would you do?,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
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    Well I’m sorry, but I get an intense emotional response when people are mad at me, and you wouldn’t listen in-game, and now people think I’m an idiot, I just wanted to put my side of the story in your face so you could not brush it off,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
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    Found a film which is full of furries & an Southern American Singer!!

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    @Palmerageddon jesus did i start a furry thread? please tell me no, and also that song title fits perfectly with what I asked nicky XD,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
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    Out of my own sanity im going to close this thread about bloody furrys!


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