The_Pouley Unfair Advantage

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports The_Pouley Unfair Advantage

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    My Username: Nationalistic

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: The_Pouley
    UUID: fd3e6ef5-02a0-4c05-aaff-ab6109dcc991
    Punishment Tracker URL: Not available

    Reason for Report
    Use of hacked client.

    Overview Description of Report
    I teleported to The_Pouley to save him from getting raided since he’s just a sailor. Once I killed the intruder I noticed him flying up and down in the water lol.

    Detailed Information
    Not really, read above

    I suggest turning off the audio because we were speaking a foreign language in the call :P.

    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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    Looks to me that he is using a client above 1.12.2 where the swimming mechanics have changed.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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