The state of Player owned warps.

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    Player owned warps are a legacy feature that back when we were young I offered the option to buy a custom warp, at no point were these sold as permanent. Warps are no longer an option to buy as I personally think that they are an extremely overpowered feature for one player to have control over. That being said there are some amazing communities that have been built around /warp trade & /warp market which continue to thrive, Don’t sweat warp owners these will not be removed! But I would like to clarify what happens to old, unused dead warps with players that no longer play on PirateCraft.

    Recently I have disabled 2 inactive warps that were confusing new players with why they exist at all; /warp skyshop and /warp nexus were disabled (Not removed/deleted) On the premise that if the players became active again in their areas that they would be re-enabled.

    Pros of Cleaning up un-used dead warps.

    • Stops Confusing new players to the warps existence, Generally warps are reserved for Server Projects only, not players, New players assume these warps are server projects and they are abandoned and serve no purpose but to confuse.
    • No purpose for them to benefit the community if there empty and nothing is there.
    • Messy name structure.
    • Make players use more traditional transport methods than “Teleporting”.


    I have been asked many times when people will be able to buy a public warp again, at present I don’t want to add any more player owned public warps due to them being overpowered and confusing for new players to understand why they exist, If we were to sell warps again, there would be a few rules I would want to follow, but technically haven’t found a method yet:

    • Buying New Warps work like domain names, you buy the name to reserve it then “renew” it with in-game money (see below).
    • New warps would be taxed per month with in-game money, failing to do this disables the warp until taxes are paid.
    • There are a limited amount of player owned warps
    • There would be 1 <span data-dobid=”hdw”>communal player warp that could be used by different people every few weeks or so, to give the option to non-donators to have the ability to use a public warp.
    • A full description of the warp is available so players understand who owns it, and shows the warps custom rules for that area.

    The need for a public warp has dropped dramatically to those that want to own or run public shops, which is a very small percent of players at PirateCraft. Due to Crews being able to set a crew home each restart.

    Im thinking we could bypass player warps all together and have free server warps where players could build shops, these would not be PVP free areas, this gives a place for shop owners to build shops, but it restricts creative towns as each shop would be different, and someone could create a horrible looking shop.

    Note to Skymanjay and Azuries.

    /warp skyshop – I know your a busy man Skymanjay, when you come back and re-build your shop, get that badboy stocked then ask any member of staff to re-add skyshop.

    /warp nexus – Azuries same for you, If nexus becomes a busy, populated area then the warp will be re-enabled.

    Crazy Pirate
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    May I ask one small thing?

    I think that many builds on the server are very impressive, and deserve attention. There are also many people (myself included) who wish to create a new town, with a warp, when we can. So, rather than having a system where we use /warp to find where we want to go, which ultimately, becomes cluttered and confusing, could we have a /warp Build, and a /warp towns (or whatever), and so people can visit those warps, and then step on a certain pressure plate, allowing them to TP to certain areas?

    You could effectively have a large square at, lets say, /warp Build, and around the square are 3x3plots or similar, where people place a sign or two, to advertise their build, or town at /warp town. These plots are run much like at /warp market, rented out on a monthly basis. This gives all players an opportunity to advertise their town or builds, and reduces the clutter under /warps. It also gives these towns a physical representation, using these 3×3 plots. Command blocks, or another plugin could be used to teleport players to the respective town too.

    So, to summarise…

    We keep all the existing, active warps.

    2 new warps, or more if needed, are created.

    These take players to a square, around which are plots, of a set size.

    Players can rent these plots for a month or so, and outside these plots lie a pressure plate, or similar, which teleports players who step on it to the respective towns.

    It means that the server has control over the towns still, and yet doesn’t keep all the power in the hands of the donators, and gives all players a chance.


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    I’m just for no warps, homes, teleportation.


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    Sounds pretty fair to me. As long as I’m allowed to continue running my humble market, the rest sounds good!

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    nice idea!. it will also stop the tp a bit….but /warp cts is abandoned too (o do players use it to xp farm and even if it where to go off we can still walk there as its very close too /warp cove).

    on a side note: “humble” is and market should never go on the same scentance…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

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    Solid you don’t see me now and never will see me boasting about the market. It exists to give people a damn chance to make some money. I could take away all other shops but mine and make just as much, if not more money than I do now. I run things the way I do to benefit the community. Now please, I’m sick of reading your negative comments on every single forum thread.

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Yes @CrazyPirate1 This is why I created this thread to get ideas like this! I really like the idea of this, as its simple! Could be done with Signs, Buttons, Levers, Portals, whatever.

    Obviously there would need to be a system in place to automate it all, and for there to be restrictions. We could use an existing Location already. How about at the Cove train station? /warp station and then we have routes that go to everywhere, and this is already in PVP protection. It could be an underground area or go on the second floor of the station, Then its a central location.

    For limiting We could put big cooldowns on the Warp buttons/signs/whatever the issue will be that you would open yourself up to attack, Would anyone else like a system like this? What are problems that could be caused from it?

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    I think the button warps would be really cool! It’s difficult to get publicity for builds without BotM, and this idea would certainly help with that!


    Smokey River
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    I really like your idea @crazypirate. I even think you would do /warp shops and have a pressure plate system that way there is a way for people to open more trade locations so we can continue working on the trade route. I also agree with what gods said on the “new” warps being taxed per month, with “old” warps being grandfathered in so to speak.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


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    Crazy Pirate
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    Right, I think that the location should be important, historically, meaning we can get it up and running soon. I’d suggest the old location for /warp shop, but if you wanted, you could set up an entirely new area.

    The staff could nominate someone (from within their own ranks) to run this. The possibilities in my mine are simple limited to one, and one option only;

    A staff member runs /warp towns, and leases out “stalls” or whatever you wish them to be called, out to certain players. Any other buying of land using plugins is permanent, and thus renders these stalls useless. However, if a staff member actively runs such a square, it means it will stay fresh and updated, much like /market.

    This is easily abused; players could buy up all the stalls, advertising a specific town only, or could use them to mount raids continuously on certain towns. The solution? Make the prices per stall increase, relative of how many stalls you have. So, if a stall costs £100 per month, then upon adding another stall to you’re collection, the price increases tenfold (£1000 a month, for both stalls). And then, again, for three stalls, it would cost £10,000 a month. So, this would limit all but the wealthiest of players to buying numerous stalls.

    The solution to the raiding system again is relatively simple. People are charged to teleport to a town, and perhaps, the profit goes to the town owner. This should be a cheap fee, but if the owner is sensible, he can invest any profit into his town, or indeed, the customers.

    But I’m merely spitballing here. There are countless ways to avoid the systems I’ve laid out above (namely, many town members could buy a teleport each, saving lots of money, and gaining plenty of stalls). So, if it’s introduced, it would have to have someone assigned to work out the kinks. So, perhaps the manager of this new warp. I’m happy to work out some scenarios, and plan solutions for em.

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    @CrazyPirate1 I think you’re on to something, you brainstormer you!

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    Crazy’s Idea sounds great.
    My mad brain always say that i should say that i would like an underground /warp-place.
    I don’t know why but i think his blackmarket style in or under the trainstation of the Cove maybe even in a backalley could add something to it.

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    Great idea CrazyPirate, however I feel that the money spent to teleport should not go to the town owner as this would be easy money, despite it only being a small fee. Moreover, I feel that money should go towards some sort of prize money for a competition (just an example). I also realise that the town owner would need to pay for the warp, and that they may struggle making up the costs at a month rate, but isn’t that the challenge of running a town? If the town owner would pay for the warp, and not make enough money to pay for the next few months, then that’s just tough luck. It’s like that in real life.

    A note on the side.

    I do not disagree to teleporting, but people are becoming VERY lazy, as many people have already pointed out. People don’t value how lucky they are to be able to teleport. Just the other day, someone was saying in chat ‘imagine how bad this server would be without /home. That would be so unfair’ Its comments like these that just piss me off. They forget the whole theme of playing on a pirate server, and seem to just strole along with the crowd; just teleporting as you do.

    I am very in favour of the map expansion and promoting the use of ships more.


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    um it wasn’t me who said that dude…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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