The server is broken

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    Okay, the server and website are both messed up for me. After discovering that I can’t type in general chat anymore, the forums then randomly decided to duplicate an earlier version of my previous post. I can’t even delete the duplicate post. Also, the punishment tracker will not load.

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    No idea what caused it, but i believe a few others including myself experienced this. Might have been some update Gods was doing, or the server host being dumb.

    Either way, sorry for the inconvenience.

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    Okay, the server and website are both messed up for me. After discovering that I can’t type in general chat anymore, the forums then randomly decided to duplicate an earlier version of my previous post. I can’t even delete the duplicate post. Also, the punishment tracker will not load.

    You are overreacting. Read my reply to your other topic for the first two problems.

    For the punishment tracker, it was indeed down, but it is back up.

    The server is not, in any way you described it, broken.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    I deleted your duplicate posts.

    Please re-iterate your problem in a clear manner, thank you. 🙂

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    Read my reply to your other topic for the first two problems.

    Since @Palmerageddon took the liberty of deleting both of your previous topics (only deleting one was necesarry) which were both very clear as to the problem, therefore also deleting my correct answers, I will put the answers that I had in those topics (which were correct) in here.

    The chat problem is the result of a new feature. Now, when you type @username, it automatically direct messages that person everything you type. To talk in general chat, simply type “exit” in chat.

    In regards to the forums posts duplicating, this happens every now and then and it does not only happen to you. Except for staff, none of us are able to delete topics because most people would abuse this feature.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    also deleting my correct answers

    Knew you’d bring that up 😀

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    Read my reply to your other topic for the first two problems.

    Since @palmerageddon took the liberty of deleting both of your previous topics (only deleting one was necesarry) which were both very clear as to the problem, therefore also deleting my correct answers, I will put the answers that I had in those topics (which were correct) in here. The chat problem is the result of a new feature. Now, when you type @username, it automatically direct messages that person everything you type. To talk in general chat, simply type “exit” in chat. In regards to the forums posts duplicating, this happens every now and then and it does not only happen to you. Except for staff, none of us are able to delete topics because most people would abuse this feature.

    Did not know about this new chat feature haha! I will have a look into it when i’m back, going out of town for a few nights.

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