The piratecraft police

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    I read the bit about terrorists & I thought suddenly;

    ‘That’s kinda what the LoN does’

    But then again, this ‘Police Force’ (I’m dropping a hint here that a different name could be made) could be a wing of the LoN.

    Like a possible peacekeeping force at disposal or a possible guard group.

    I wouldn’t mind a few guards helping me out from time to time.


    I think if you link yourself to a crew & possibly think about becoming a LoN wing, this could work out & I’m sure we’d all be in favour.

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    I would accept a small police force that protects new people but that is about it. If you want to try and interfere with bad trades feel free but dont whine and complain when you die. Also i do not suggest police trying to interfere with sieges because whats the point when almost no one sieges anyways and they just hide in their boxes.



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