The Norse needs members!

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  • #30283
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    The Norse are looking for members to fill our ranks. Recruitment has not been happening lately, and we only have 5 crew members due to this. We are looking for players who have skills such as building, farming, raiding, and combat in general. There will soon be a raid team when we have reached 10 members and will hopefully go on daily raids. Members must have reached sailor rank to join the raid team. Note that deckhands who join will be placed on a probation period of a week. If they fail to rank-up during this time period they will be kicked from the crew with the opportunity of rejoining when they have achieved a higher rank. To join simply mail a leader, message a leader, or reply to this post with something along the lines of “can I join?”. Causing drama within the crew will leave you with a crew kick. Don’t be that kind of guy.


    Wretched Rose
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    Am I the first to reply? I suppose I am…

    This sounds like it would be quite the interesting crew once it got a few more members, especially with the raiding parties. I remember the Wind Pirates back when they were still an active group (even though I did not have much contact with them that I can remember). It’s been some time since I was part of a crew, and I’ve been looking for a good one for a little while (no offense meant towards CoV, of course).

    I reached Carpenter rank recently, which I was very happy about. Regarding my skills, I am relatively good with just about anything (farming, mining, building ships, making potions, etc.) I do tend to fight better as part a small group, but I can 1v1 other people if necessary.


    • Topics: 9
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    Am I the first to reply? I suppose I am… This sounds like it would be quite the interesting crew once it got a few more members, especially with the raiding parties. I remember the Wind Pirates back when they were still an active group (even though I did not have much contact with them that I can remember). It’s been some time since I was part of a crew, and I’ve been looking for a good one for a little while (no offense meant towards CoV, of course). I reached Carpenter rank recently, which I was very happy about. Regarding my skills, I am relatively good with just about anything (farming, mining, building ships, making potions, etc.) I do tend to fight better as part a small group, but I can 1v1 other people if necessary.


    I feel like I should know you? Oh, and what’s wrong with CoV? We do raiding and killing just fine. 😛

    Wretched Rose
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    I’m Neko_Notoko in-game, so yes, you might know me. I believe I’ve been killed by you several times in Warp Food by now.

    Also, nothing is ‘wrong’ with CoV. I am well aware of their raiding capabilities. It just seems that they haven’t been in need of members recently; if they have, I have not heard about it.

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